Documenting Hope Conference Videos Are Now Available as the
2024 Documenting Hope Learning Series!
A message from Beth Lambert, the founder of Documenting Hope:
About the 2024 Documenting Hope Learning Series
This learning series contains all of the presentations from the Documenting Hope annual conference, which is an incredible opportunity to learn the latest and most cutting edge information about how to heal our children from conditions like autism, ADHD, PANS PANDAS, autoimmune disease, and so much more. And now you can have full access to all that information.
We have taken the expert presentations from both the Parent and the Professional tracks at our conference and carefully curated them into a video learning series so you can access the topics that are relevant to you. We have information on how to regulate the nervous system and overcome developmental delays. This series of videos will help you:
Learn practical techniques to identify and address root causes contributing to the symptoms of your child’s PANS/PANDAS, autism, anxiety, and more
Learn what diets are best to help a child heal from autism, ADHD and other conditions
Learn what lab tests you can order to better understand your child’s bioindividual needs
Learn how ATEC scores can be brought down by doing this one daily ritual
Understand how knowing an individual child’s genetics can inform a more successful treatment strategy
And much more!
Documenting Hope Learning Series Packages
Learn cutting-edge information from the world-renowned experts that presentated at our annual conference. Select from the packages below.
Nutrition and Mindset Video Series
In this package of videos, you will have access to some of the latest insights from leading children’s nutrition experts. Some of the questions that are answered in this series include:
What diet should we follow to help my child heal?
What foods should we avoid?
How can I get my children to eat healthy when all they want is junk food?
How can diet and nutrition be used as a therapy for autism, autoimmune disease and other complex conditions?
How can I help shift my family’s mindset towards healing?
What are the top holistic strategies for reducing ADHD symptoms?
You’ll get access to the following presentations:
Thriving with ADHD Naturally: Dana Kay
Wisdom of Ancestral Diets: Weston Price Foundation: Mandy Blume, NTP
Personalized Nutrition and Therapeutic Diets for Complex Conditions in Childhood: Julie Matthews, CNC
Time and Cost Effective Strategies for Healing the Whole Family: Madiha Saeed, MD
Family Food Reset: How to Get Your Family to Eat Healthy: Chef Aran Goldstein
The Role Of Therapeutic Nutrition Interventions In Autism And Complex Conditions: Using Diet, Herbs And Supplements: Vicki Kobliner, RD
Neurological Approach to Healing Video Series
In this package of videos, you will have access to expert lectures on how to restore neurological balance for your child. These lectures are excellent for anyone looking to help their child overcome neurological dysfunction or dysregulation as seen in autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, sensory processing disorder, brain injuries and more. Some of the questions that are answered in this series include:
What role does the nervous system play in behavior, learning, and immune health?
What does it take for the brain to overcome injury?
What kinds of techniques and strategies can help to rewire the brain?
What is neurological chiropractic and is it right for my child?
What techniques should I use to help calm and regulate my child’s behavior?
You’ll get access to the following presentations:
4 Steps to Neurological C.A.L.M.: Carol Garner-Houston, OT/R
Creating Healthy Brains – Harness The Power Of Childhood Milestones To Recover From Developmental Disabilities: Sargent Goodchild
Panel: Understanding the Brain and Nervous System: Sargent Goodchild and Carol Garner-Houston OT/R
Exploring the Role of Prenatal Stress, Birth Trauma and Dysautonomia in Chronic Pediatric Health Conditions: Tony Ebel, DC
Understanding Epigenetics and Nutrigenomics to Optimize Outcomes in Complex Conditions Such as Autism and PANS/PANDAS Video Series
In this package of videos, you will have access to the world’s leading experts on genomics, nutrigenomics and personalized biochemistry applied to complex chronic conditions in children. In this series you will learn:
How knowing your child’s genetics and unique makeup can hold the key to developing an effective treatment strategy
How to optimize methylation and detoxification through a highly personalized supplement regimen
What food to eat to support your child’s unique genetics
The top stressors that may contribute to conditions like autism, PANS/PANDAS and autoimmune conditions
The importance of methylation for every system in the body and how you can support methylation
How mutations in genes (such as MTHFR, MTR, MTRR, CBS) can impact your child’s health and development
What lab tests you can order to better understand your child’s bioindividual needs
You’ll get access to the following presentations:
Genomics to Increase Lifetime Success in Autism: Recent Improvements in the Field: Sharon Hausman Cohen, MD
Bioindividuality and Biomedical Approaches to Children’s Chronic Health Conditions: Anju Usman, MD
Bioindividuality Panel: Anju Usman, MD and Sharon Hausman Cohen, MD
The Yasko Protocol: The Methylation Cycle & Detox: Amy Yasko, PhD
Healing Interventions Your Child’s Pediatrician May Not Know About Video Series
In this package of videos, you will have your eyes opened to profound therapies and healing strategies that even functional medicine doctors may not know. The topics covered in this series include neuro-optometry, homeopathy, biomagenetism, functional and structural dentistry for whole body health, and ion detoxification baths. In this series you will learn:
How the eyes are an extension of brain tissue and can be used to heal the brain from the outside in.
How allergies, chronic infections, ADHD, sleep issues and more can be healed through a noninvasive oral appliance
How underlying chronic infections can be identified without lab tests or bloodwork
How to stock your home with tools for handing acute health issues in your children.
How to keep your children well year round using safe, simple methods
How ATEC scores can be brought down by doing one daily ritual
How a visual processing disorder can impact muscle and postural tone in a child
You’ll get access to the following presentations:
Introduction to Biomagnetism: Luis Garcia, MD
Compromise of Vision by a Neurological Event Affecting Development, Learning and Rehabilitation: William Padula, OVD
The Myths, The Facts, & The Science Behind the IonCleanse by AMD Footbath Detoxification System: Terri Hirning
Healing Matrix Theory – Health/Airway/Dental: Jim Bronson, DDS
Making Our Children Well: Homeopathy at Home:Michelle Perro, MD
Cutting-Edge Treatments for Autism, ADHD, PANS/PANDAS and Lyme Disease Video Series
In this package of videos, you will be exposed to strategies for optimizing health and function in children diagnosed with autism, ADHD, PANS/PANDAS and Lyme disease. Some of the questions that are answered in this series include:
What lab tests can be run to help understand what is happening with a child with PANS, Lyme or autism?
What are some of the most common symptoms seen in borreliosis, bartonella and other Lyme-related infections?
What are the best ways test for and treat PANS and PANDAS?
What are the most helpful supplements for PANS/PANDAS and Lyme?
Why is it important to support the parasympathetic nervous system in all of these conditions?
What are the benefits of using homeopathy and herbs as treatments for PANS/PANDAS, Lyme and autism?
What can an individual child’s genetics tell you that will inform a more successful treatment strategy?
You’ll get access to the following presentations:
Homeopathy and Natural Approaches for PANS/PANDAS: Jennifer Bahr, ND
Demystifying PANS/PANDAS: A Functional Medicine Guide on Basal Ganglia Encephalitis: Nancy O’Hara, MD
Lyme and Coinfectors in Children: Tom Moorcroft, DO
Bioindividuality and Biomedical Approaches to Children’s Chronic Health Conditions: Anju Usman, MD
The Future is Now: The Use of Genomics for Developing a Personalized Plan for Each Child on the Spectrum: Sharon Hausman Cohen, MD
Groundbreaking Discoveries and Therapeutics Video Series
In this package of videos, you will be exposed to new or little-known information about human health and what has changed in recent years that might be contributing to the epidemics of autism, ADHD and more. Included in these videos are novel therapeutics that can be used to help reverse some of the damage of modern living.
In these videos you will learn:
The promise of fecal microbiome transplants as a therapy for autism, autoimmune and other conditions
What specific gut microbes are found in the gastrointestinal tract of children with autism and how can their microbiomes be changed?
A new scientific discovery of a chemical element found mainly in children with autism that may provide clues to origin of some autism symptoms
Primitive infant reflexes and their role in childhood development
Reflex integration and its critical role in improving functions as varied as behavior, speech, learning, emotional regulation, motor function and more.
The three pillars of health that all of our children need to be at their best
The features of modern living that are most impacting our children’s health
Mouth breathing, how it impacts children’s health and development and how to address it
You’ll get access to the following presentations:
Novel Concepts in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Christian Bogner, MD
Environment, Nutrition, Airway and Dentistry: Alex Bronson, DMD
The Microbiome: What We Know So Far: Sabine Hazan, MD
MNRI® Reflex Integration as an Early Intervention for Children Diagnosed with Neurodevelopmental Deficits and Learning Challenges: Svetlana Masgutova PhD and Leah Light AuD
Full Package Including Bonus Lectures
With this package, you’ll get access to all of the individual video series:
Nutrition and Mindset Video Series
Neurological Approach to Healing Video Series
Understanding Epigenetics and Nutrigenomics to Optimize Outcomes in Complex Conditions such as Autism and PANS/PANDAS Video Series
Healing Interventions Your Child’s Pediatrician May Not Know About Video Series
Cutting-Edge Treatments for Autism, ADHD, PANS/PANDAS and Lyme Disease Video Series
Groundbreaking Discoveries and Therapeutics Video Series
You’ll also get access to the following bonus lectures:
Why We Are Documenting Hope: Beth Lambert
The CHIRP™ Study: The Impact on our Children’s Health: Chris D’Adamo, PhD
Investigating a Bio-individual, Total-Body-Load Model of Medicine in a Community-Based Setting: Heather Tallman Ruhm, MD
Panel: Optimal Growth and Development for Children in the Modern World: Alex Bronson, DMD and Dana Kay
The Most Important Changes You Can Make to Reverse Illness: Joseph Mercola, DO
Reversing the Trend of Preventable Poor Health: Allied Practitioners Working Together To Build Thriving Practices and Create An Impactful Paradigm Shift: Jamie Belz
Panel: Total Load and Detoxification: Beth Lambert and Amy Ziff
Panel: Homeopathy: Michelle Perro, MD and Jennifer Bahr, ND
Panel: Food For a Healthier Life: Julie Matthews, CNC and Mandy Blume, NTP
Introduction to Total Load: Beth Lambert
Simple Ways to Reduce Total Toxic Load: Amy Ziff
Panel: Practical Ideas for Healthy Living at Home: Madiha Saeed, MD and Aran Goldstein
How We Document Hope: Participatory Research, Success Stories and New Endeavors for the Future: Beth Lambert, Heather Tallman Ruhm, MD, Chris D’Adamo, PhD
Event Experts

Christian Bogner, MD
Novel Concepts in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Svetlana Masgutova, PhD
MNRI® Reflex Integration as an Early Intervention for Children Diagnosed with Neurodevelopmental Deficits and Learning Challenges

Luis Garcia, MD
Introduction to Biomagnetism

Sharon Hausman Cohen, MD
Genomics to Increase Lifetime Success in Autism: Recent Improvements in the Field

Sabine Hazan, MD
The Microbiome: What We Know So Far

Chris D’Adamo, PhD
The CHIRP™ Study: The Impact on our Children’s Health

Nancy O’Hara, MD
Demystifying PANS/PANDAS: A Functional Medicine Guide on Basal Ganglia Encephalitis

Beth Lambert
Why We Are Documenting Hope

Tom Moorcroft, DO
Lyme and Coinfectors in Children

Jennifer Bahr, ND
Homeopathy and Natural Approaches for PANS/PANDAS

Alex Bronson, DMD
Environment, Nutrition, Airway and Dentistry

Heather Tallman Ruhm, MD
Investigating a Bio-individual, Total-Body-Load Model of Medicine in a Community-Based Setting

Julie Matthews, CNC
Personalized Nutrition and Therapeutic Diets for Complex Conditions in Childhood

William Padula, OVD
Compromise of Vision by a Neurological Event Affecting Development, Learning and Rehabilitation

Anju Usman, MD
Bioindividuality and Biomedical Approaches to Children’s Chronic Health Conditions

Madiha Saeed, MD
Time and Cost-Effective Strategies for Healing the Whole Family

Terri Hirning
The Myths, The Facts, & The Science Behind the IonCleanse by AMD Footbath Detoxification System

Carol Garner-Houston, OT/R
4 Steps to Neurological C.A.L.M.

Jim Bronson, DDS
Healing Matrix Theory – Health/Airway/Dental

Vicki Kobliner, RD
The Role Of Therapeutic Nutrition Interventions In Autism And Complex Conditions: Using Diet, Herbs And Supplements

Sarge Goodchild
Creating Healthy Brains – Harness The Power Of Childhood Milestones To Recover From Developmental Disabilities

Dana Kay
Thriving with ADHD Naturally

Tony Ebel, DC
Exploring the Role of Prenatal Stress, Birth Trauma and Dysautonomia in Chronic Pediatric Health Conditions

Amy Yasko, PhD
The Yasko Protocol: The Methylation Cycle & Detox

Amy Ziff
Simple Ways to Reduce Total Toxic Load

Joseph Mercola, DO
The Most Important Changes You Can Make to Reverse Illness

Mandy Blume, NTP
Wisdom of Ancestral Diets: Weston A. Price Foundation

Leah Light, AuD
MNRI® Reflex Integration as an Early Intervention for Children Diagnosed with Neurodevelopmental Deficits and Learning Challenges

Beth Lambert
Introduction to Total Load

Sharon Hausman Cohen, MD
The Future is Now: The Use of Genomics for Developing a Personalized Plan for Each Child on the Spectrum

Chef Aran Goldstein
Family Food Reset: How to Get Your Family to Eat Healthy

Jamie Belz
Reversing the Trend of Preventable Poor Health: Allied Practitioners Working Together To Build Thriving Practices and Create An Impactful Paradigm Shift
This event is hosted by

Beth Lambert
Beth Lambert is the Executive Director of Documenting Hope and Epidemic Answers. She is a former healthcare consultant and teacher. As a consultant, she worked with pharmaceutical, medical device, diagnostic and other health care companies to evaluate industry trends. She is the author of A Compromised Generation: The Epidemic of Chronic Illness in America’s Children (Sentient Publications, 2010). She is also a co-author of Epidemic Answers’ Brain Under Attack: A Resource for Parents and Caregivers of Children with PANS, PANDAS, and Autoimmune Encephalitis. In 2009, Beth founded Epidemic Answers and currently serves as Executive Director. Beth attended Oxford University and graduated from Williams College and holds a Masters Degree in American Studies from Fairfield University.