Epidemic Answers Intellectual Property Policy:
All handouts and written materials provided to students as part of the Epidemic Answers Parent and Health Coach Training Program (the “Training Program”) are the exclusive property of Epidemic Answers.
Epidemic Answers grants permissions to use certain copyrighted materials exclusively to students who are currently enrolled in the Training Program, and to graduates who have successfully completed the program (“Eligible Users”).
All materials included in the “Client Forms” section of the Epidemic Answers online course, are intended for use by Eligible Users as follows:
- Eligible Users may print and distribute paper copies of Epidemic Answers handouts downloaded from the “Forms” section of the online course, or transmit via email or other electronic means to individual recipients. These documents may be provided to any private audience, provided that the Form is not altered or edited in any way, and retains the Epidemic Answers copyright notice and web address in the footer of the document.
- Eligible Users may NOT publish Epidemic Answers copyrighted material in any online forum. Eligible Users also may NOT display Epidemic Answers copyrighted material in any public television or video forum.