CHIRP™ Study FAQ’s
What is the CHIRP™ Study?
The CHIRP™ Study (Child Health Inventory for Resilience and Prevention—Western IRB Approved Study #17111224) is part of the Documenting Hope Project and asks parents and caregivers to fill out an online survey from any computer.* Participants are asked questions about their family’s health and their child’s health.
*CHIRP cannot be taken on a mobile device.
What types of children are you looking for?
All types! We are looking to gather information about children from all over the country and all walks of life. We are surveying the families of healthy children, those with chronic health conditions and everyone in between.
What are the questions about?
Anything and everything that might influence a child’s health, including: family health history, developmental history, lifestyle, environment, nutrition, and more.
Will I get anything in return?
Yes! If you complete the survey you will receive a free personalized health report as well as coupons for natural products. The personalized report is a tool that can be used by parents and doctors to help identify new ways to improve or support each child’s health and well being. It may be especially helpful for those parents looking to get to the “root cause” of their child’s health symptoms.
Will my family’s privacy be protected?
Yes! We take privacy very seriously. Survey data is stored on a secure HIPAA-compliant platform and the study data will be de-identified for research purposes. To learn how to enroll in the study please visit: https://documentinghope.com/chirp-study/
What is the FLIGHT™ Study?
The FLIGHT™ Study is an 18-month lifestyle-oriented clinical program for children with one or more chronic health conditions. The program involves identifying and removing inputs and exposures that might be harmful to health while simultaneously supporting health in a personalized way.
What types of children are you looking for?
The FLIGHT™ Study is enrolling children between the ages of 2 and 15 who live in Northern Virginia and have one or more of the following chronic health conditions:
- Autism
- Severe asthma
- Severe allergies/severe eczema
- Autoimmune Condition
- Mood Disorder (such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, etc.)
- Type II diabetes/obesity
- Other select chronic health conditions
Are there any prerequisites for the Study?
Yes, in order to determine your child’s eligibility for the FLIGHT™ Study you must first complete the CHIRP™ Survey. Learn more about the CHIRP™ Survey here: https://documentinghope.com/chirp-study/
What kind of information will be collected on my child?
Participants will be asked to share details of their daily life with the FLIGHT™ Study team and participating clinicians. This information may include but is not limited to stooling patterns, behavior and symptoms, daily diet, sleep habits, reflections on the study, and more. Participants will also be asked to share the results of laboratory testing, and professional assessments with the Study Team and participating clinicians.
What kind of laboratory tests are used in this study?
Participants will take part in a series of minimally invasive laboratory tests that require specimen collection including: blood, urine, hair, stool, and saliva. Testing will repeat at intervals during the 18-month study period.
What kinds of interventions will be used in the FLIGHT™ Study?
Because the FLIGHT™ Study is a personalized comprehensive lifestyle-oriented program, there are no standard treatments or interventions. A preference for non-invasive or minimally invasive interventions is an important feature of the study.
A suggested intervention plan will emerge out of our expert team’s review of an individual child’s laboratory results, clinical findings and professional consultations.
There are no mandatory interventions in the FLIGHT™ Study. All proposed interventions will be discussed with the child’s family and dedicated local physician who will be responsible for overseeing implementation. Parents will have the right to choose or refuse each recommendation.
How will my family pay for all the tests, consultations and interventions in the FLIGHT™ Study?
The FLIGHT™ Study has been designed to offer financial, logistical and emotional support to the family throughout the 18-month study period. There is no cost to participate, and any tests, practitioner appointments or interventions will be provided by the FLIGHT™ Study.
Is there an audiovisual component to this study?
Yes, photographic and video footage will be collected on all participants throughout the 18-month study period. This footage is being captured for scientific research purposes and may also be used to educate the public. The FLIGHT™ Study team will obtain authorization from the family and child before disseminating any audio-visual materials collected during the FLIGHT™ Study.
Will my participation in this study be anonymous?
Because there are only a small number of participants in the FLIGHT™ Study and because the study team will be documenting the entire program on film, participant anonymity cannot be assured.
Will my private medical information in this study remain confidential?
Private medical information is confidentially protected. As there is an audio-visual component to the research study, participating families may choose to disclose some medical information publicly.