Company: Hoosier Naturopath
Education: 1978-1979 American College of Natural Healing Sciences Mesa, AZ
Graduate Massage Therapist 1979
2003-2007 Indiana University Southeast
New Albany, IN
BGS Science and Mathematics Track May 2007
AA Chemistry May 2007
2008-2013 Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine
Toronto, ON, Canada
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine 2013
Certifications: Licensed Naturopathic Physician State of Vermont
#099.0103004 expires 09/30/2016
Licensed Massage Therapist State of Indiana
#MT20902304 expires 05/15/2017
Additional Information: I am the mother of 3 and the grandmother of 9 (soon to be 10). I operated a Certified Organic farm from 1998 through 2007.