150 South Pine Island Road
Website: www.clinicareverdecer.com
Company: Clinica Reverdecer
Education: University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Addictions, Compulsive Behavior and Degenerative Neurological Diseases), 2008
Trinity College (Naturopathy), 2006
New Jersey City University (Analytical Chemistry), 2003
Certifications: IBCCES Board Certified Autism Specialist, 2018
AAMA Board Certified Medical Practitioner, 2006
Additional Information: Many parents of autistic children complain that they feel hopeless, tired, and fatigued. Nothing they’ve tried seems to work. Even worse, sometimes they’re told that "there is not much that can be done" or "if therapy doesn't work, nothing else will."
I don’t believe that. Hi, I’m Dr. John Arango. I'm an autism specialist.
That means I see an autistic child’s body as an entire, integrated system. When you come in, I will do a very thorough analysis of your child’s body and all its systems. Then, based on the results, I will suggest a few things to try. If your child is like many others on the spectrum, within a short time he/she will be feeling much better. I look forward to helping you.
Dr. J.D. Arango, ND is a IBCCES Board Certified Autism Specialist, clinical researcher and director at Clínica Reverdecer, holds a doctorate degree in Naturopathy (USA 2006) and is board certified as an Alternative Medical Practitioner by the American Alternative Medical Association.