Michael Goldberg MD
5620 Wilbur Avenue
Suite 318
United States
Phone: (818) 343-1010
Website: www.neuroimmunedr.com
Company: Dr Michael Goldberg, MD, Inc.
Education: UCLA - Medical School Los Angeles, Ca.
Certifications: • Board Certified - American Board Of Pediatrics
• Fellow - American Academy Of Pediatrics
Additional Information: Why NIDS?
The Goldberg Approach ™ is based on treating the real disease process that is behind "autism" today — very different from whatever was true "autism" as defined by Dr. Kanner back in the 40s and 50s. Children today are exhibiting autistic symptoms—and other NIDS conditions – as part of an unrecognized medical epidemic hitting children and adults. They act "autistic" (or ADHD, OCD, etc.) secondary to this illness; they do not have true "autism" as defined by Dr. Kanner. The concepts used to determine the approach are based on neuro-immune medical research, standard medical evaluations, and logic. The methods used in treatment are consistent with traditional medical care and the basic medical oath "Do NO Harm." Treatment of the abnormalities found in medical history, physical exams, and testing in children should be standard pediatric medicine.
The neuro-immune system and its interaction with the endocrine system and other body systems are incredibly complex. Attempting to adjust a single part of the system that is not normal can trigger very negative consequences in another area. Alternative treatments, such as high doses of vitamins, can provide the immune system with an initial boost, but later can result in a hyperreactive immune system or even more stressed and depleted body and brain. The safest, best way to fix the dysregulation is to have the body correct the imbalance within its own complex mechanisms.
Threats to the Immune System: Avoiding Common Triggers
Today, treatments that have shown significant success focus on reducing the stresses on the immune system, so that the body has a chance to return to a normal immune state. Some of those possible stresses include food intolerances, respiratory allergies, activated viruses, and overgrowths (not systemic infections) of bacteria or yeast.
It’s an important medical principle to take these treatments in increments by changing only one variable at a time. This allows time to analyze and observe each change to determine if it’s truly helping. Parents should be cautious and skeptical of a therapist or physician who recommends otherwise.
Key physical indicators of health are positive changes in cognitive sharpness, overall alertness, brightness in the eyes, alleviation of allergy symptoms (such as dark circles under the eyes and persistent fatigue), and improvement in overall general health. A child (or adult) who is not fully bright and alert is never going to develop normally or function at their best. Kids who feel better think better. Over time, this will lead to a reduction of symptoms commonly associated with what is mistakenly and inappropriately referred to as autism.
The explanation of NIDS, sharing the Goldberg Approach ™, and the information on this website are an attempt to bring these children back to the real medical world in a way that makes sense to pediatricians and those in control of "organized" medicine. As requested elsewhere on this site, please Take Action Now to give our children a future. Parents must demand today that the medical community address autism—not as a developmental disorder—but as a true disease process.
Evaluation and Workup
When a child is being evaluated, the initial step in the Goldberg Approach ™ is to look at present symptoms, full medical history, and medical records. Typically, these children appear to develop normally until about the second year of life.
Common Medical Indicators of NIDS
While there are many variations, some of the most common findings in children with NIDS are a lack of progression or outright regression around 12 to 18 months of age, allergies and recurrent skin rashes, numerous minor illnesses, sinus or ear infections (usually secondary to chronic congestion—although some children seem almost never to get sick), poor eating history, food intolerance, sensory problems, and developmental delays, which can include speech and language delays, fine or gross motor delays, hypotonia, and zoning or spacing out, with an increasing concern for potential seizure activity. Family members often have allergies, migraines, and other immune-mediated disorders, such as rheumatoid disease, thyroid issues, MS, Lupus, IBS, or CFS/CFIDS. Often, the review and history alone point to a condition consistent with a disease process that is viral or immune.
When a physical examination is done, the most common findings are a minor sore throat, some congestion, often sallow color, other signs of allergies, and related symptoms. It’s a given that the child has a cognitive dysfunction ranging from mild to severe.
What Lab Tests Reveal
If the child exhibits the symptoms found in NIDS, then a further workup is indicated. The lab work is extensive and can be expensive but is usually covered legitimately by an insurance company. The lab work can be broken up into three categories: general health, underlying illness, and immune/viral markers. The first group of tests is taken to assess the overall health of a child and to see what effects, if any, this disease has already had upon him. The second and third group of tests will show what underlying infections a child has and will give a snapshot of how a child’s immune system is functioning
If indicated, a NeuroSPECT scan may be recommended. Depending on test results, consultations with sub-specialists, such as a pediatric neurologist or endocrinologist, may be required. Some kids show thyroid or growth issues, reflecting classic autoimmune and endocrine issues.
Current testing is primitive compared to research protocols that could be developed and used to define the complexities of the underlying immune and viral processes; however, general markers currently are available that help point to problems and define targets for therapies.