Documenting Your Own Hope with a Case Report
In order to build a body of evidence demonstrating that many of the symptoms associated with autism are reversible, we are asking you to consider “documenting your own hope.” This means to track important pieces of information that can later be used as evidence to show that symptoms and maybe even diagnoses can be reversed, and genuine health transformation can be achieved.
Please see the checklist of materials below to gather, track and organize your child’s healing journey which could be considered for publication in a scientific journal and bring more hope to more families. If you are a parent who has already gathered the documentation below, please reach out to our research team via the form linked below. In the “Tell us about your child” field, it is not necessary to report all details. Instead, write a paragraph or two that lets us know a little bit about your child.
Note: The Documenting Hope research team is not able to accommodate, support and write up all case report ideas that have potential for publication.
Don’t have enough documentation but still have a success story that you’d like to share? Click here to tell us more.
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