What Is Chiropractic Neurology?
The main goal of chiropractic neurology is a well integrated body and a well integrated brain. Chiropractic neurologists are trained in clinical and physiological neurology as well as pathological neurology, but their approach is different. They have a non-invasive, holistic approach to healing that can involve many systems including:
- Central
- Peripheral
- Enteric nervous system
- Limbic (emotional)
- Sensorimotor
- Metabolic (energy)
- Cognitive
They look for underlying imbalances and causes rather than treating symptoms.
Chiropractic neurology is patient-focused and utilizes the latest assessment techniques to create an individualized protocol to rehabilitate the central nervous system and develop neuroplasticity (changes in the brain) when addressing neurological conditions. Children with developmental delays, motor-coordination challenges, and cognitive issues and deficits have improper communication between the right and left sides of the brain. This miscommunication is called functional disconnection, which is the root cause of learning and behavioral disorders and social problems.
Balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain is what chiropractic neurologists strive to do with the varied techniques with which they treat. What is unique about chiropractic neurology is that patients participate in their own recovery process by doing special carry-over activities at home to keep the brain stimulated and activated outside of the rehabilitation sessions. Some chiropractic neurology modalities are:
- Hemistim eyelights
- Motor timing activities
- Vestibulo-ocular reflex stimulation
- Auditory stimulation
- Graduated balance exercises
- Oculomotor exercises
- Sensory integration therapies
- Interactive Metronome
- Chiropractic adjustments
- Ultrasound/electric muscle stimulation
- Neurotransmitter/hormone testing and balancing
- Food sensitivity testing/dietary recommendations
- Heavy metal testing and detoxification
Balancing the Brain
Dr. Robert Melillo, chiropractic neurologist, author of Disconnected Kids and Reconnected Kids, is also founder of the Brain Balance Achievement Centers across the United States. Brain Balance centers have an individualized program to address every child’s needs:
- Concentration
- Poor physical coordination
- Classroom challenges
- Low energy
- Fine-motor delays
- Gross-motor delays
- Learning disabilities
The Brain Balance program is most helpful for those with:
- High-functioning autism spectrum disorder
- Learning disabilities
- Dyslexia
- Brain injury/concussion
- Cerebral palsy
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Auditory processing issues
- Dyspraxia/apraxia
- Hypotonia or hypertonia
- Developmental delays
- Retained reflexes
- Other neurological disorders
A Brain Balance initial assessment can be a worthwhile investment. It takes about three hours to perform. Afterwards, you will understand your child’s:
- Dominance profile
- Common retained reflexes that are contributing to his issues
- Individual senses compared to an age-appropriate level
- Academic results for individual academic skills compared to your child’s grade level
If you decide to enroll your child, know that your child will go to the Brain Balance center about three times per week and is expected to do exercises at home on the days he or she doesn’t go. In addition, your Brain Balance practitioner will likely make recommendations, such as cutting out gluten- and dairy-containing foods from your child’s diet. In our experience, your child will improve much more quickly if these nutritional recommendations are fully implemented.
A three-month Brain Balance program may seem pricey but consider it comparable to about 36-40 hours of intense occupational therapy. Many parents who implement the program and nutritional guidelines may see marked improvement in their child’s symptoms, behavior and educational performance. Please note, however, that the Brain Balance program may not be the be-all-end-all for your child, but it can be a worthwhile comprehensive start.
If, after completing one or two three-month Brain Balance programs, your child still has some residual issues, we recommend that you consider working with a biomedical practitioner such as a naturopath or functional-medicine doctor and also to explore other therapies.
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Sources & References
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