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Healing Together

Finding Community and Healing Together

Join us inside our online membership community for parents, Healing Together. You’ll find healing resources, expert guidance, and a community to support you every step of your child’s healing journey.

THE HEALING FRAMEWORK FROM DOCUMENTING HOPEFollow Our Science-Backed, Parent-Driven Healing FrameworkThat’s Been Almost 15 Years in the Making…

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean it’s possible to heal my child from ADHD? From autism? From autoimmune diseases? I thought these were lifelong conditions?

It is true that conventional medicine currently believes these conditions to be chronic, in other words long-lasting and persistent. So that is the common thinking in our culture. However, there is mounting evidence against this line of thinking. The evidence is both anecdotal and scientific, and has been gathering over the past couple of decades. Anecdotally, there are hundreds—likely thousands—of stories of kids being completely recovered from skin, gut, attention, learning, severe behavior, and other debilitating issues. Scientifically, there are numerous journal articles reporting symptom reversal and recovery from mild to severe chronic conditions. Very often stories inspire science, and that is what is happening in the field of children’s health. Based on the evidence and our own experiences, we firmly believe that healing is possible. In fact, we’ve made it our mission to spread this message.

I don’t remember so many kids having ADHD and asthma when I was growing up. What’s different today?

Many of the conditions now affecting our kids are a result of modern living. It is a great paradox of our times that the most affluent, resourced, and medically advanced societies in the world also have the highest rates of chronic childhood illness. The reality is that everything from our food and air to our water and soil has all been impacted by our lifestyle, human advancements, and technology. This is a changed world, and our kids’ bodies and brains are overwhelmed by it.

So, how common are these conditions exactly?

At least 54% of all American children have a diagnosed chronic condition. That’s 1 in 2. The problem is real, and big, and we are not okay with it. Especially since we know that healing and recovery is possible.

What are the conditions that can be healed?

We have seen examples of kids fully recovered from ADHD, asthma, eczema, autism, autoimmune disorders, allergies, gut issues, sensory processing disorders, Rheumatoid Arthritis, mood disorders, type 2 diabetes, speech disorders like apraxia, and learning disorders like dyslexia and dysgraphia. There are also examples of improvement for conditions such as Down Syndrome, cancer, and type 1 diabetes.

Can all kids be healed?

We don’t know for sure. It appears that almost every child can improve their symptoms using the approach we share here, and many can completely heal. But others do not fully heal. And two kids with the same exact symptoms may not necessarily respond the same way to the same intervention. This is one of the things we are seeking to understand through our two scientific studies — the FLIGHT™ Study and the CHIRP™ Study. The better we understand what helps kids heal, the more we can help all our kids heal.

What is your approach to healing? What are the steps?
We believe there is no one set path to healing, since every child is unique. At the same time, we believe that even for a specific child there can be multiple paths to healing. The body wants to heal, and will often respond to multiple ways to approach a specific symptom. In a way, this makes it harder because there is no one set way. But in another sense, it offers freedom because your child’s body will work with you to heal regardless of the choices you make.

That said, there are 6 Healing Steps we have heard from nearly every parent who has helped their child heal.
1-Prepare for Your Journey: Shift your mindset and adopt a new approach to healing.
2-Take Inventory: Find your child’s total load baseline.
3-Lower Total Load: Remove stressors and add supports.
4-Balance the Body: Restore your child’s basic body functions.
5-Find Your Personalized Path: Find an intervention path personalized to your child’s unique needs.
6-Keep Exploring: Seek, explore and stay open to shifts and adjustments as your child grows.

Is it easy to heal my child?

Truthfully, no. It’s far easier to mask symptoms using conventional band-aids such as medications and creams. But if you are looking to remove the root causes of your child’s symptoms for life, those approaches won’t get you where you want to be. So we think the healing journey is worth it. Sometimes in your journey there will be quick breakthroughs where you see immediate improvement in your child. These moments are gold and will fuel you to keep going. But other times the progress is slow, or something you’ve tried doesn’t seem to work, which can be really discouraging. These are the moments you need community and hope, and to just keep swimming.

I’ve tried everything, why isn’t my child healed?

We don’t know, and we’re sorry for how you must feel. We truly wish this were a simple, guaranteed process. But it’s not. It’s science mixed with mystery, and we are working hard through our research to get to the bottom of what helps some kids heal and others not. Our sincere hope is that your child has experienced some symptom improvement, and we offer your family our continued hope.

I’m feeling overwhelmed. Can I ask a doctor to take the lead for my child’s healing journey?

We totally understand the overwhelmed feeling. Life with an impacted kid is so challenging. But unfortunately, our answer is that if you really want results, it’s got to be you in the driver’s seat. We have observed that parents who try to outsource their child’s healing do not see the same results as ones where a parent takes the lead. Our hope is that the resources and community you find here on Healing Together will give you the confidence to guide your child’s journey. We’re with you.