Use these resources to learn more about the epidemics of autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, autoimmune and other chronic children’s illnesses.
With the framework of Total Load Theory, you’ll be able to understand how removing root causes and stressors while increasing therapies and supports can help your child heal from chronic health conditions.

Learn about your child’s condition from a root-causes perspective. Our resources will point you to new ways of thinking about how to help your child overcome the challenges associated with these conditions.
Therapies & Supports
Adding in therapies and supports can help to reduce total load. While too many stressors can make a body sick, not enough health supports (what the body needs to function and survive) can also contribute to chronic conditions.
Root Causes & Stressors
The current western medical model treats symptoms and views systems in the body as if they were isolated. It is critical that we move away from suppressing symptoms and begin to identify the underlying root causes of disease.
Reference Library
Learn more deeply about issues such as educational & social issues, genomics, gut health, the immune system, the microbiome, parenting, labs, prenatal care, lifestyle basics, healing basics and more.
Monthly Webinars
Learn from some of the top experts in pediatric integrative healing by watching our free webinars. Learn about topics including specific conditions, root causes & stressors, and therapies & supports for healing.
Practitioner Directory
Health Coach Directory
Our Documenting Hope health coaches have taken our Health Coach Training and understand the epidemic of children’s chronic conditions through the lens of total load. By teaching parents how to reduce stressors and increase supports, children can heal.
Healing Together
In this paid community membership program, you’ll get live support from our health and medical experts in our monthly House Calls, Community Q&A Calls and forum. Learn the steps to healing with our Healing Trail Map.
Success Stories
Is your child showing signs of ADHD? Autism? Allergies? Asthma? These kids and their families have been there, too. They are proving that healing can happen. And they offer their stories to show you the way.
Health Coach Training
We have prepared eBooks to help you learn more about your child’s health. Learn how other parents and caregivers have helped their children heal. Please download these free eBooks and share with those you know.
Help Us Help Others
All of these resources are provided to the public at no cost or a subsidized low cost because we want to make access to healing resources as accessible as possible. If you have found these resources helpful, or if you want to help us continue to grow our free and low-cost resources, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Documenting Hope. We are a 501c3 nonprofit charity, and we depend on the support of our community members.