Oxalates are molecules found in food that join with calcium to create crystallized “stones” in the body that then contribute to inflammation and pain.
Oxalates Articles
Low-Oxalate Diet
What Are Oxalates? Oxalates are molecules found in food that join with calcium to create crystallized “stones” in the body that then contribute to inflammation and pain. These crystals are created when fungi such as yeast or molds, and/or foods ... Read More
Which Diet Is Best for a Child with Autism?
Parents have been implementing special diets for years to help improve the health of and reduce symptoms in their children with autism. Given the number of cookbooks and blogs dedicated to this subject, it appears the gluten-free/casein-free (GFCF) diet was ... Read More
Healing Diets and Foods
What Does Healing the Gut Entail? Keeping the gut clean and not continually having your child eat foods with toxins and chemical preservatives will help facilitate healing the gastrointestinal tract more efficiently. Sometimes changes are subtle and on a deeper ... Read More
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