Articles Therapies & Supports Objective Muscle Testing

Objective Muscle Testing

Toby Watkinson DC, who has degrees in chiropractic, nutrition and acupuncture, writes about how Objective Muscle Testing, a form of Applied Kinesiology, can be used to test foods, nutrients and products to see if they are beneficial or not.

Kinesiology: The Study of Muscles

“Mary, hold this sugar, and I’ll show you something very cool. Put your arm straight out and keep me from pushing it down. Wow, you can’t hold it up. Your body is weakened by the sugar.” Nice parlor trick, but no way to show sugar isn’t good for you, or to test anything but your sense of humor.  

Applied Kinesiology (AK), developed by the late George Goodheart DC, is an incredible contribution to understanding the body’s ability to communicate silently. Goodheart discovered that individual muscles correlate to specific organs, nutrients and emotional complexes.  

Today Applied Kinesiology fulfills Goodheart’s dream of developing a scientific method to track illness. It is not a parlor trick, but rather a repeatable, objective, diagnostic tool that has become a “gold standard” for examining patients. Applied Kinesiology has rules for correct use to obtain dependable results. One can’t just grab any arm and push on it.  

Objective Muscle Testing

My training in acupuncture and nutrition, and my experience teaching parents of children with developmental delays, has been the perfect combination to adapt Goodheart’s work in a unique way. I gradually created a system called Objective Muscle Testing (OMT), which centers on using specific acupuncture test points. OMT has evolved, and I now help parents independently test foods, nutrients, and a variety of products around the home.  

The underlying principle of OMT is that a muscle can be a strong or weak indicator of a provocation. The tools of OMT assure that any muscle test has the highest probability of obtaining objective usable information.  

With my protocol, any adult can test himself or herself and family members, using a small and inexpensive spring loaded muscle testing tool. By squeezing the tool between your thumb and finger the gauge will read the amount of pressure applied. The idea is to establish your maximum resistance. Any number below the baseline indicates an imbalance. 

Before performing an objective test, both the tester and subject must be clear of any abnormalities that could invalidate testing, such as a diminished flow of body electrical energy, dehydration, faulty respiration or heightened emotionality.

I created vials containing bio-electrically charged solutions that participants hold to correct identified imbalances, and strengthen a weak OMT test point, thus making the evaluation successful.

For instance, the conductivity test point is between the eyebrows. To test this point take the pad of your index finger and place it on the OMT point, while squeezing the gauge with the other hand. If the number is identical to your resistance number, then turn the finger over and place the nail side down on the same point; when retested the number on the gauge should be lower.

If an imbalance exists there will not be a lower reading for the nail side of the finger. Then by holding a “conductivity” vial you should be able to test the difference between the finger pad and nail indicating the body’s electrically conductivity is testable. 

Using the acupuncture point protocol, OMT can test problems with food and even the presences of parasites.

OMT is excellent for identifying and checking for:

  • Allergic foods
  • Toxic metals
  • Chemicals
  • Mold
  • Yeast
  • Fungi
  • Unwanted food ingredients
  • Rancidity
  • Irradiation

Once one establishes a reference baseline resistance number and clears their subject, both are ready to test. While a subject touches an item, the tester contacts the OMT test point and squeezes the muscle testing tool. The tester reads the gauge, noting any weakness, indicating a reaction related to the specific test point. 

Environmental Applications of Objective Muscle Testing

Another application of OMT is testing for hazards in the home, such as:

  • Paints
  • Carpet
  • Cookware
  • Electronics
  • Detergents
  • Soaps
  • Furniture
  • Molds
  • Yeasts
  • Fungus
  • Plants
  • Cleaning products

I encourage my patients to pre-test products before purchasing and or using them. This precaution is essential with the explosion of technology that compromises the safety of our homes, especially our sleep spaces. My protocol includes OMT points for testing radio waves and electromagnetic fields (EMF).

Applying Objective Muscle Testing to Emotional Complexes

OMT also tests the seven chakras, which are connected to individual organs and specific emotions. I have created simple solutions, including manual techniques and flower remedies to clear problematic emotions. This technique is another adaptation of Dr. Goodheart’s work, and involves the tapping of the temporal sphenoidal lines on the cranium while holding the feeling state of the identified emotion.  

Objective Muscle Testing from a Patient Perspective

I asked a student, who is a parent of a child recovering from autism, to comment on OMT. Here is what she said: 

“I learned muscle testing is not all the same, and the importance of following a pre-testing protocol. Now, I always obtain a baseline resistance number, using the gauge provided by Dr. Toby. I can use the OMT points to test for mold, parasites, rancidity, conductivity etc., to clear any imbalances, first on myself, and then on a family member. Once people are ‘cleared’, I am confident about testing specific foods and environmental factors.”  

Using Objective Muscle Testing for You and Your Family

OMT is an extremely useful objective, easy-to-learn tool for testing foods, supplements and other potential dangers to children’s health. With OMT you can be assured that everything that goes into the body balances with an individual’s own energy.

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