Anne Pemberton MSc PGCHE PGCE
Suite 3 Prospect Business Centre, Limewood Approach
Seacroft Leeds,
West Yorks
LS14 1NH
Phone: (798) 673-5118
Website: https://venturoushearts.com
Company: Venturous Hearts
Education: Registered nurse for 25 years. Head nurse of cardiothoracic ITU. Higher eduction in functional medicine, psychology (majored on human behaviour), Teacher for secondary pupils with spectrum disorders and higher education at MSc level in functional medicine. Clinical expert for food for the brain https://foodforthebrain.org/event/autismmasterclass/?gclid=CjwKCAjw-IWkBhBTEiwA2exyOz3Z3vv6ybnrQdS5ulv57x2Esxha0WQwNhQXO3C1acC3k7bg854y0xoC5RUQAvD_BwE
Certifications: MSc, PGCHE, PGCE (autism), BSc (Hons), RGN, DipION FdSc
Fellow of BANT and HEA, member of CNHC
Additional Information: Also work with a functional consciousness coach David Router - healing trans-generational trauma from the human biofield. Working a lot with Heller's Connection trauma survival style based around the 5 levels of healing model.