Success Story: John’s Reversal of ADHD Without Drugs

Original Symptoms & Diagnoses:
ADHD, blood-sugar dysregulation
My lowest low, was when I picked John up from school, and it was I think he was in the fourth grade. And this was a time where his teacher gave him this daily piece of paper, and it was every hour. She would give him a smiley face, a straight face, or a frowny face. But he brought home, like, all straight and frowny faces that day. I remember him giving me the paper, just being so upset. Like, why don't they like me?
Probably one of the best days ever was when I got to cancel his psychiatrist appointment. And I called her, and I just said, listen. He doesn't have ADHD anymore. I haven't given him the Concerta, and I sent her pictures of his report cards and all of the wonderful comments. And she was like, really? What happened? And I said, well, we changed our diet.

John Had No Control

John was always a really spirited child. I guess I really started to notice it when he started preschool, maybe like around the age of four. He was just really loud. He went from like zero to ten in every emotion. We went into a psychiatrist office one time and he destroyed the entire office. He pulled the sofa cushions off the sofa, threw them at the windows, broke Lego sets, and was just completely and utterly out of control. He had no control over himself.

My Lowest Low

My lowest low was when I picked John up from school, and he was in the fourth grade. And this was a time where his teacher gave him this daily piece of paper, and it was every hour. She would give him a smiley face, a straight face, or a frowny face.

But he brought home, like, all straight and frowny faces that day. I remember him giving me the paper, just being so upset. Like, “Why don’t they like me?”

Getting an ADHD Diagnosis

I took him into the pediatrician, and it was just like this paper sheet. It was so funny. It was like, do a checkbox here, have your teacher do a checkbox. And guess what? Your son is now a label because the doctors said he had ADHD. I saw a bunch of different doctors.

Nobody really cared about my story. They just wanted to know what’s the problem and what can I prescribe?

Homeschooling During COVID

COVID came and I decided to homeschool all of my children. It was really the best thing that I’ve ever done in my life. One thing I really found was that the medication was essential. It was essential for teaching my children how much and they were all on medication. John had the biggest problems.

But if we were to skip his Concerta for the day, we just would skip school because he just couldn’t sit down and focus. He just couldn’t do it. And that was kind of eye opening for me, and I was like, gosh, there really is something wrong here.

Everybody Got Better When We Cut Out Grains and Sugar

Then my youngest son was diagnosed with type one diabetes.

As a family we decided the best course for him with the best outcome for normal blood sugars, was to all go sugar free, basically. It’s called low-carb, but it’s it’s sugar free, and we all together made a pact that we were gonna do it, and to support him. And so we cut out wheat, all grains, rice, potatoes, corn, and all sugar, including all the hundred names that sugar is called. Because there are a lot of names for sugar.

My goal was to get my younger son’s blood sugars manageable. And what I ended up noticing is everybody’s behavior got better.

Everybody calmed down, and it had the biggest impact on my oldest kid. And one day, summer came and we decided to just stop the Concerta. He just didn’t really need it anymore, and it was messing with his sleep and messing with his appetite, and he didn’t need it for baseball. Nobody was saying anything.

Summer went by. We enrolled him back in school, and we never gave him the Concerta.

And instead of every year when I would get that call, like, two weeks into school from the teacher. I always knew what it was about. You know? It was gonna be “John’s disruptive. He doesn’t have any personal space. He’s always walking around the classroom.” You know, all the same stuff that I got every year.

And the call never came. It never came.

My Highest High

And I got his first report. This is my highest point. I got his report card, and it was all A’s, but it wasn’t just the A’s.

The comments, They were all so lovely. It was “John’s organized. He gets along well with others. We love having him in the classroom. He stays focused. He it’s just a pleasure to have around.” And I was like, oh my God, what happened?

This thing that I thought would never change and I felt like, oh, everybody says they just adapt to the ADHD and it’s gonna end up helping them, you know, in the future. And he’s just gonna be this kid that always, you know, is going.

But he doesn’t have to be. He didn’t have to be. He’s on two travel baseball teams. He is in all honors classes. He has tons of friends.

Talking with him is so different now. He’s just a level-headed, good child that has nice conversations and cares about others and is compassionate and thinks before he speaks. I’m so glad we were able to go through the hard to get to the good.

This journey has been so rewarding. and I’m telling you the person who’s most proud of him is himself. He sees it, he gets it, he feels it, and he knows it. And I think it’s really empowered him to be just a great person.

My Advice

My advice for other parents is to always question everything, to never give up. John’s advice to people would be the same. Don’t don’t give up on your kid. They’ve got some potential there.

I helped my son heal from ADHD, and there is hope.

Learn the Top Five Things John’s Mom Did

Click the button below to learn more about what John’s mom did to reverse his ADHD diagnosis.

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Move, Play, Thrive: Vision Doctor on Rhythmic Movements + Research about Visual Processing Issues.


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