Success Story: Noah: Iatrogenic Autism

Original Symptoms & Diagnoses:
Iatrogenic Autism
He was diagnosed with iatrogenic autism when he was seventeen months. Profound sensory issues, food allergies and eczema prevented him from social events, public places and even family parties. Routine trips to the grocery store or to put gas in the car were impossible. Noah always had eloping or escaping on his mind. His mother recalls "I've had to throw my body on top of his in the path of a moving vehicle more than a few times. I truly have no idea how we survived."
The siblings, whom he did not acknowledge for several years, are his buddies. Teachers remark with tears in her eyes, 'I have no words for how far he has come.' I'll take that. We are on our way. He is not in pain any longer. He is so joyful most days and revels in the learning process. He does not ache or pine or struggle as much as he once did. He was on a pharmaceutically-prescribed liquid diet for two years. Specific Carbohydrate Diet for three. Many behavioral interventions and an enormous investment in allopathic, naturopathic and homeopathic interventions, essential oils and clean food."

Noah’s Journey

Noah, just turned 10.  He was diagnosed with iatrogenic autism when he was seventeen months.  His syndrome of symptoms included: autistic enteritis, autistic colitis and gut dysbiosis that resulted in up to 20 diarrhea filled diapers a day until the age of 6. He experienced candida over-growth, mitochondrial dysfunction, methylation impairments and metabolic issues that prevented normal sleep patterns until the age of 9.

Every Day a Struggle

Most nights he fell asleep at 9:00 p.m. was up at 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m.,then fell back to sleep until his waking-for-the-day time, 3:00 a.m. During these night waking sessions he would scream, cry and hit and scratch anyone who attempted to soothe him. He did not have a speaking voice.  Screaming or grunting with aggressive actions were his primary methods of communication.

“I’ve had to throw my body on top of his in the path of a moving vehicle more than a few times. I truly have no idea how we survived.”

Noah's Mom

Profound sensory issues, detoxification impairment, liver compromise, severe food allergies and eczema prevented him from social events, public places and even family parties.  While his siblings enjoyed sporting events, clubs and outings with their father, his mother was home with him, trying to prevent him from harming himself.  Routine trips to the grocery store or to put gas in the car were impossible. Noah always had eloping or escaping on his mind.  His mother recalls “I’ve had to throw my body on top of his in the path of a moving vehicle more than a few times. I truly have no idea how we survived.”

Noah, Now.

Noah’s mother reports on his progress:

“We have repaired the 99 holes he punched in his bedroom walls and scrubbed the excrement and vomit from his carpet, FOR GOOD. He wakes almost every morning and says, ‘Good morning mom!’ Some days he says, ‘No school!’ Which causes me to revel in how neurotypical he is becoming.”

Noah's Mom

Specific Carbohydrate Diet, Homeopathy, Essential Oils, Real Food

The siblings, whom he did not acknowledge for several years, are his buddies and his tormenters, ‘You pick it up!’ I hear his sister say.  ‘No, you pick it up!’  He retorts. As it should be.  The first week of school one of his teachers said with tears in her eyes, ‘I have no words for how far he has come.’ I’ll take that. We are on our way. He is not in pain any longer. He is so joyful most days and revels in the learning process. He does not ache or pine or struggle as much as he once did. He was on a pharmaceutically-prescribed liquid diet for two years. Specific Carbohydrate Diet for three. Many behavioral interventions and an enormous investment in allopathic, naturopathic and homeopathic interventions, essential oils and clean food.”

Reflecting on this journey, his mother shared, “Believe, good parents. Believe. That beautiful soul is in there and cannot wait to meet you!”

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