We interviewed Cheryl Sew Hoy of Tiny Health about gut microbiome innovations. You can watch the replay below. Please note that you will be asked to provide your email address at the 30-minute mark to continue viewing the replay.
What’s So Important About the Gut Microbiome?
The gastrointestinal tract is host to trillions of microorganisms collectively known as the gut microbiome. These bacteria, yeast, viruses, parasites and more work as a community to synthesize vitamins, make neurotransmitters, and influence the immune system. If there is an overbalance of pathogenic microbes, this can lead to a condition known as gut dysbiosis. This condition is a common root cause of most chronic health symptoms and conditions, including neurodevelopmental conditions.
In This Webinar
In this webinar, Cheryl Sew Hoy helped us to answer the following questions:
- How does a baby’s method of birth (vaginal or Caesarean) affect the baby’s microbiome?
- How can new parents determine the composition of their baby’s microbiome?
- What are ways to lessen gut dysbiosis in children?
- How can parents measure the effectiveness of these interventions?
Key Discussions
Gut Microbiome and Maternal Health
Maternal gut health is important for both a mother’s and baby’s health, and it can be disrupted by factors such as C-sections and antibiotics. Postpartum women can monitor and restore their gut microbiome to ensure overall health and reduce risks such as postpartum depression.
Impact of Birth Method on Infant Microbiome
Babies born via C-section have different gut microbiome compositions compared to those born vaginally, potentially increasing their risk for conditions such as eczema, allergies and asthma (the “atopic march”). Techniques such as vaginal seeding and breastfeeding can help restore a baby’s beneficial microbiome.
Dietary Recommendations and Microbiome Diversity
A varied diet consisting of whole foods supports microbiome diversity, which is important for overall health. Long-term elimination diets are discouraged unless medically necessary, as they can negatively impact gut biodiversity.
Microbiome Testing and Personalized Health
Personalized gut microbiome testing, especially for infants and expectant mothers, can provide actionable insights for improving health and addressing chronic conditions. Properly tailored probiotics and prebiotics, based on test results, are more effective than generic supplementation.
Parental Influence and Environmental Factors
Parents significantly shape their children’s gut health through shared microbial environments and lifestyles. Environmental factors such as diet, stress, sleep, and even the presence of pets can influence the development and maintenance of a healthy microbiome in children.
Timestamped Overview
00:00 Impact of mode of birth on baby’s microbiome composition.
05:28 Atopic march: eczema, allergies, asthma progression.
15:00 Microbiome criticial for managing children’s symptoms.
18:40 Peer-reviewed research helps validate and explain findings.
21:03 Healing gut and choosing probiotics for family.
29:36 Life events disrupt gut.
33:24 Environmental factors shape gut health.
40:58 Identify probiotic strains for specific health benefits.
47:22 Personalize with practitioner’s help and Tiny Health.
01:00:31 Contributing anonymized data supports ongoing scientific research.
01:06:24 Lower gut diversity reduces health resilience.
01:13:27 Akkermansia typically appears by baby’s first year.
01:19:18 Low-glutamate diet helps reduce autism symptoms.
01:26:53 Supplements help, but diet and lifestyle are more important.
01:34:30 Prioritize diverse diet.
01:35:53 Testing reveals true health.
01:46:06 International shipping.
About Cheryl Sew Hoy
Cheryl Sew Hoy had two radically different birth experiences between her children. Her first baby presented breech and was born by C-section. Two years later, her youngest was a vaginal birth with the support of a midwife.
Guess which baby battled eczema and food allergies?
Cheryl’s first baby developed mild eczema and had to work through a sesame allergy after starting solids. This wasn’t a coincidence.
Her baby had been exposed to a lot of unfriendly bacteria from the c-section. And the consequences were showing.

After reading hundreds of scientific papers, Cheryl found ways to restore her first child’s gut microbiome health, hopefully averting chronic conditions. She tried with vaginal swabbing, homemade kefir, extended breastfeeding and baby probiotics. However, back then gut tests were only available for adults. There was nothing tailored to mom and babies needs. So Cheryl was left without any way of measuring how her baby’s microbiome was recovering.
Determined to find answers, Cheryl met a microbiologist who opened her eyes to all the ways you can improve your child’s health by deeply understanding their microbiome. How was this not available to parents? To babies struggling with fussines, eczema or asthma? That needed to change.
So, Cheryl put together a team of leading scientists, physicians and microbiologists and after a year of working the problem, Tiny Health was born. “I took charge of my own and my babies’ gut health, because I knew it was fundamental for their lifelong health.” You can find out more about her and her work at her website TinyHealth.com
This webinar is not a substitute for medical advice, treatment, diagnosis, or consultation with a medical professional. It is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on to make determinations related to treatment of a medical condition. Epidemic Answers has not verified and does not guaranty the accuracy of the information provided in this webinar.
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