Homeopathy for Healing

Homeopathy for Healing

We interviewed Janine Burnham-Ruth about homeopathy for healing. In this webinar, you’ll come to understand, utilize and heal yourself, and your family, with homeopathy. You can watch the replay below. Please note that you will be asked to enter your email address at the 30-minute mark to finish viewing the video.

In This Webinar

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • What homeopathy is, and is not
  • How to discern if you should self-treat or hire a professional
  • How to tell if the treatment of homeopathy, or ANY treatment you are using, is actually working to bring about true healing
  • How to find which remedies work for what issues
  • What is most important when choosing a specific homeopathic remedy
  • How to dose
  • When to switch to a new remedy
  • When to stop taking remedies

A brief discussion of other ways homeopathic remedies are used beside classical, and how remedies are made, are also included in the webinar. This webinar can benefit those interested in:

  • Learning about homeopathy
  • Seeking natural and alternative solutions to concerns regarding well-being
  • Understanding the difference between suppressing symptoms and true healing
  • Self-empowerment for their and their family’s health

About Janine Burnham-Ruth

Janine Burnham-Ruth is a holistic homeschooling mom of two boys. She practices many energy-based healing techniques including neurodevelopment, sound-based therapy, reiki, meridian-energy balancing through TKM and Jin Shin Jyutsu.

She is also trained in Autonomic Response Testing to identify energy blockages, their causes, and what will relieve them, Retained Neonatal Reflex Integration, and Homeopathy.

Janine is passionate about finding the deepest core disturbances to health and well being and using energetic and natural means to resolve them.

In her community, Janine started a local Holistic Moms Network chapter and co-developed Conscious Parenting for Aware Kids. Besides professional pursuits, Janine enjoys organic gardening, traditional cooking, spiritual endeavors, and seeing life through the adventurous eyes of her children.

Janine is the Operations Manager for Documenting Hope and sat on its board for many years. She is also one of the instructors for Documenting Hope’s Health Coach Training Program.


This webinar is not a substitute for medical advice, treatment, diagnosis, or consultation with a medical professional. It is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on to make determinations related to treatment of a medical condition. Documenting Hope has not verified and does not guaranty the accuracy of the information provided in this webinar.

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