The Emotional Freedom Technique

The Emotional Freedom Technique

We interviewed Robin Friedman about the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), sometimes called meridian tapping or just tapping. You can watch the replay below. Please note that you will be asked to enter your email address at the 30-minute mark to finish viewing the video.

What Is the Emotional Freedom Technique?

EFT is a simple-to-learn, powerful technique in which a person taps on meridian points of the face and body while saying affirmations about something that bothers them. This helps to clear the body’s energy system of the block and often the issue that bothered you will lose the emotional intensity.

EFT works by calming the fight-or-flight response in the brain and reducing the stress hormone cortisol. What this means for us, in practical daily life, is that we have a simple way to change how we feel about an emotionally charged situation. It is a gentle yet empowering way of changing symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Being overwhelmed
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Pain
  • Illness
  • Other emotions and feelings

In This Webinar

In this webinar, Robin taught us how to do EFT, led us all through a tapping session, and shared many online free resources. Once you learn it, you will have an invaluable tool. It is free, it is always available at your fingertips, and there are no negative side effects. You can tap for yourself, to relieve your own stress, you can tap surrogately for your child, to relive their stress, and you can also teach your child how to tap for themselves. Tapping can work without any speaking, or even if you don’t believe it will work. You can find Robin’s presentation about the Emotional Freedom Technique here.

Key Discussions

Tapping Points and Meridians

Tapping specific points on the body, such as the kidney meridian, spleen meridian, armpit point, and the top of the head, can help alleviate stress and physical issues. The practice is rooted in the concept of meridians from traditional acupuncture, aiming to balance the energy body and reduce stress.

The Setup Statement and Intentions

Establishing a focused and meaningful setup statement is crucial in EFT. This involves acknowledging the problem (e.g., fear or frustration) while stating self-acceptance. Setting clear intentions and concentrating on specific issues during tapping amplifies the technique’s effectiveness.

Use of Visualization and Color

Visualization techniques, such as using colors to symbolize positive emotions, aid in creating new neural pathways and transforming negative emotions into positive ones. Visualizing happy, calm moments or colors like pink and green during tapping can enhance emotional healing and promote positivity.

Addressing Emotions and Affirmations

Acknowledging and addressing a range of emotions—fear, frustration, anger—during tapping sessions, is helpful. Emphasizing positive affirmations and giving oneself permission to feel emotions like faith, happiness, and love can facilitate emotional release and promote a state of calm and acceptance.

Timestamped Overview

00:00 Therapy helps woman overcome water phobia.
08:14 Belief shapes reality, leading to incredible results.
15:39 Excessive stress hurts both parents and children.
17:31 Balancing energy body with tapping on meridians.
24:32 Tapping on karate chop point.
32:13 Acknowledge issues to tap into positivity.
36:30 Strive for improvement and aim for perfection.
41:10 Borrowing benefits: writing down and tapping pain.
48:24 Acknowledging emotions and expressing gratitude for them.
55:29 Recall a specific time that felt happy.
56:43 Embracing positive emotions and verbal communication exercises.
01:11:40 Choosing love over fear and anger always.
01:15:38 Discussing negativity, releasing emotions through speaking out.
01:19:42 Mental exercise to release fear and frustration.
01:26:03 Eliminate old feelings, create new positive imagery.
01:34:18 Radiate pink light, leading with faith.
01:37:07 Send light, love, and peace to others.
01:43:12 EFT technique: tap points, talk it out.

About Robin Friedman

Robin is a Certified EFT Master Practitioner, AMT; Certified Level 2 EFT Practitioner in the AAMET; Certified EFT Intermediate Practitioner and Weight Loss Coach through EFT Universe, and also certified in Emotion Code, Body Code, Reconnective Healing, Third Degree Reiki, Matrix Reimprinting, Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching and Group Coaching.

She has studied SimplyHealed and completed the Foundations Training in Eden Energy Medicine. She resides in Portland Oregon and works with clients from around the world, by Zoom or Skype.

You can find out more about her and her practice at her website


This webinar is not a substitute for medical advice, treatment, diagnosis, or consultation with a medical professional. It is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on to make determinations related to treatment of a medical condition. Documenting Hope has not verified and does not guaranty the accuracy of the information provided in this webinar.

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