Trusting Your Intuition with Kiya Hunter

Trusting Your Intuition with Kiya Hunter

We interviewed Kiya Hunter of the SAN Center in Phoenix about trusting your intuition, which can be your greatest ally as a parent. You can watch the replay below. Please note that you will be asked to provide your email address at the 30-minute mark to continue viewing the replay.

In This Webinar

In this webinar, Kiya Hunter discussed how tuning within can shift the way your brain perceives the world. By doing this and trusting your intuition, you can trust that you are making the best decision for your child. Fear stops us from tapping into your intuition; physically, this means getting out of “fight, fright or flight”. We discussed:

  • How to deal with information overload
  • Why taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do for your child
  • How you are exactly what your child needs
  • Why healing starts in the brain

Key Discussions

Trusting Intuition in Health Decisions

Trusting maternal or personal intuition is important when navigating health decisions, especially when external data or societal norms conflict with your inner sense. Listening to your body and aligning dietary choices with personal and ancestral needs can lead to better health outcomes.

Impact of Dietary Choices

Dietary choices should align with your genetic background and personal health needs rather than conforming to popular or community beliefs. Ignoring body signals due to external pressures can lead to negative health consequences such as weight gain or hormonal imbalances.

Holistic and Non-Traditional Healing

Exploring non-traditional healing methods such as acupuncture, flower essences, and energy work can open new avenues for addressing health issues, trauma, and chronic conditions. These methods encourage a loving and understanding approach toward the body rather than a combative one.

Mindset and Personal Identity

Shifting personal identity and mindset can profoundly impact your health and well-being. Incorporating positive self-talk, setting intentions, and being mindful of internal narratives can transform how one handles health challenges and overall life circumstances.

Family Constellations and Generational Healing

Family constellations aim to heal generational trauma by using proxies to represent ancestors and release unresolved issues. This practice can reveal hidden dynamics and aid in resolving long-standing familial impacts, highlighting the interconnectedness of personal and familial healing journeys.

Timestamped Overview

00:00 Kiya: Holistic healer teaching internal focus.
05:51 Brain filters perceptions; focus influences reality.
13:15 Your thoughts shape your external world.
18:25 Society works backwards, prioritize being over having.
24:56 LotusWei unblocks channels, unwinds trauma effectively.
28:26 Sarah’s method: individual trauma work via proxies.
34:42 Self Heal elixir unblocks systems; promotes healing.
38:54 Truth Teller elixir empowers self-discovery and healing.
44:18 Pranayama breathing calms and centers effectively.
52:00 Exploring life choices, challenges, and duality lessons.
57:06 Gallbladder channel aids in virus removal.
59:08 Dreamed of forest during acupuncture session, serene experience.
01:05:01 Acupuncture calmed hyperactive child; induced immediate sleep.
01:14:57 Meditations offered with elixirs and sprays.


About Kiya Hunter

Kiya Hunter is a nationally board-certified acupuncturist with a combined 15 years of experience in body work and Traditional Chinese Medicine, currently practicing acupuncture, cupping, guasha and facial rejuvenation techniques.

She has her Master’s in the Science of Acupuncture and has been working in the holistic health care field for over a decade. Kiya helps women who are tired of feeling anxious, stuck, and unwell. She teaches you how to focus within instead of trying to control your external environment so you can create your optimal life.


This webinar is not a substitute for medical advice, treatment, diagnosis, or consultation with a medical professional. It is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on to make determinations related to treatment of a medical condition. Documenting Hope has not verified and does not guaranty the accuracy of the information provided in this webinar.

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Sources & References

Cohen, K. Native American medicine. Altern Ther Health Med. 1998 Nov;4(6):45-57.

Mayer, E.A. Gut feelings: the emerging biology of gut-brain communication. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2011 Jul 13;12(8):453-66.


Baker, Lisa. Exploring the Role of Medical Intuitives in Holistic Health. Healthcare Newsdesk, 9 Sep 2024.

Nieves, Stephanie. The Third Eye Chakra: 10 Powerful Ways to Trust Your Intuition. Medium, 7 Jun 2022.

Sheehan, Jean. The Healing Power Of Medical Intuition by Jean Sheehan. Holistic Bliss, 3 Dec 2024.

What is Intuitive Healing? Natural Therapy Pages, 16 Apr 2023.


Laura Graye: Intuitive Intelligence