Articles Reference Library About the Epidemic 1 in 68 Children with Autism: This Should Be All Over the News Media!

1 in 68 Children with Autism: This Should Be All Over the News Media!

The statistics are frightening enough on their own.

  • 1 in 68 children has autism (and this number is growing!). In some communities (e.g., Somali immigrants in Minnesota), the statistics are even higher.
  • 1 in 8 children has asthma.
  • 1 in 10 children has ADHD.
  • 1 in 6 children has a learning disorder.
  • 1 in 80 children has celiac disease (a hugely underdiagnosed condition)

But what is even more frightening is that it seems like no one is even paying attention to the fact that millions of children in this country are sick. Millions. Some have diagnoses, some do not, but they are all affected. Why isn’t this all over the evening news? How is it that the news media can follow Lindsey Lohan’s every misstep but seems to be missing one of the greatest health epidemics of our time?

From time to time, you do hear about autism in the news media, but no one seems to be connecting the dots to other chronic illnesses.

No one seems to understand that the epidemic of autism is connected to the epidemics of asthma, ADHD, food allergies, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, chronic constipation, behavioral disorders and many other conditions. What is causing autism in some children is causing asthma, food allergies, and ADHD in others. These conditions all have the same root causes.

It is time to wake up to our new reality. Children today are sick, and we need to sound the alarm bells. . . Now!

About Beth Lambert

Beth Lambert is a former healthcare consultant and teacher. As a consultant, she worked with pharmaceutical, medical device, diagnostic and other health care companies to evaluate industry trends.

She is the author of A Compromised Generation: The Epidemic of Chronic Illness in America’s Children (Sentient Publications, 2010). She is also a co-author of Documenting Hope's Brain Under Attack: A Resource for Parents and Caregivers of Children with PANS, PANDAS, and Autoimmune Encephalitis. She is a co-author of Reversal of Autism Symptoms among Dizygotic Twins through a Personalized Lifestyle and Environmental Modification Approach: A Case Report and Review of the Literature, J. Pers. Med. 2024, 14(6), 641.

In 2009, Beth founded Documenting Hope and currently serves as Executive Director. Beth attended Oxford University, graduated from Williams College and holds a Masters Degree in American Studies from Fairfield University.

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