Articles The Epidemic Soft Signs Main Info Page

Soft Signs Main Info Page

What Are Soft Signs?

If your child exhibits any of the soft signs below with persistence, they may have some of the underlying medical dysfunctions commonly seen with the “new childhood epidemics.” Click on the symptom to learn more.

When Do These Symptoms Signal a Chronic Condition?

There are perfectly normal and healthy children that exhibit a few of these symptoms occasionally. This is not a concern.

All children exhibit occasional temper tantrums, hoarding of toys, constipation, hyperactivity, and many more of the aforementioned symptoms. However, it is not normal when children exhibit these symptoms chronically or with particular intensity and severity, despite conventional treatment approaches (e.g., diet and behavioral modifications). These symptoms stem from some underlying medical problems that are typically not recognized by most physicians.

Causes of Chronic Soft Signs

Although some of these symptoms may be strongly correlated with one particular underlying medical problem (e.g. red cheeks after eating is often associated with food allergies), many of these symptoms are “red flags” that there are multiple complex underlying biological disorders such as:

In other words, a child who experiences chronic constipation may have a food allergy, but may also be experiencing gut dysbiosis and mitochondrial dysfunction. In another example, a child who experiences chronic constipation may have:

It is of critical importance that a child with chronic symptoms be seen by an integrative or holistic medical practitioner who can help get to the underlying causes of the symptoms.

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