Root Causes & Stressors Nature Deficiency

Nature Deficiency

Modern children often have nature deficiency, which contributes to poor motor skills, low vitamin D, and a lack of grounding and exposure to soil microbes.

Nature Deficiency Articles

The Cost of Modern Living

The Cost of Modern Living

Why does the cost of modern living make people in the Western industrial world so sick, fat and tired? How can we have a state-of-the-art healthcare system but also have one of the sickest populations on the planet? The truth ... Read More
The Importance of Soil Microbes

The Importance of Soil Microbes

In this blog post, Maria Rickert Hong explains the importance of soil microbes to our gut microbiome and health. Why Are Soil Microbes Important? Kids who live and work on farms have far less allergies, asthma and autoimmune disorders. Researchers ... Read More
Health Benefits of Going Outside

Health Benefits of Going Outside

In this blog post, Maria Rickert Hong discusses the health benefits of going outside and getting some fresh air. Kids (and adults) these days have what Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit ... Read More

Nature Deficiency Webinars

Simple, Low-Cost Healing Tips
Cultivating Resilience for Reversing Chronic Health Conditions

Nature Deficiency Stories

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Nature Deficiency Books

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