Meeting the Parent Mentor

Each FLIGHT™ Family is provided with a parent mentor. The parent mentor is someone who has an impacted child and has been through many of the same biomedical tests and assessments and that are a part of the FLIGHT™ Study

In the earliest days of Ty’s baseline period in the FLIGHT™ study, his family was visited by The Documenting Hope Programs Director, Josie Nelson, and their volunteer Parent Mentor, Brooke Potthast. This is the first time they get to meet in person.

Brooke has an adult son with autism who attends George Mason University. Her son is a non-speaker and is a brilliant writer. 

In an effort to help her son have an opportunity to express himself, Brooke acquired extensive expertise in a method called RPM, or rapid-prompting method, which involves the use of nonverbal communication tools for cognitive, academic and social engagement.

Brooke is also incredibly knowledgeable about many types of tests and therapies available to children on the autism spectrum as she did many of them for her son.  

In the FLIGHT™ Study, the Parent mentor is a volunteer who provides emotional and moral support to the family as they move through the rigors of the program. 

You can find previous posts about Ty and his family here.

Keep following along with Ty and his family to learn about:

  • Tests that can help identify root causes of health and developmental symptoms
  • Ways to identify and mitigate harmful exposures in the home
  • Different types of practitioners that help identify treatable underlying imbalances in the body
  • Strategies for supporting health and healing

Be sure to sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page to keep updated on Ty’s journey.

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