Education: BA Child Development, MS Special Education.
Certifications: Nutrition and Healthy Living through Cornell University certification.
Functional Nutrition Coach certification.
Epidemic Answers certification.
Facilitator in Mindfulness from Mindfulness Educators certification.
Additional Information: I specialize in working with families to use nutrition to remediate the biological and behavioral impacts of trauma, helping frazzled families restore balance.
I started my career as a health and science teacher, with a degree in Child Development. I choose to work in urban districts, working with children who had a history of school struggle. As an educator, I work with students to assess their strengths, needs, and learning gaps so I can collaborate with them to design instruction to advance the knowledge while addressing areas in need of remediation.
I experienced first hand the impact of trauma on children, as 10 years into my teaching career my husband and I choose to become licensed therapeutic foster parents. For the last 16 years, as a parent – adoptive, biological, and foster, I have worked with the children entrusted to my care to heal physically and emotionally, as well as set healthy patterns for life while fostering the skills they need for independence. I noticed how the effects of trauma and the effects of malnutrition were similar in their impacts on the physical health, brain function, behavior, and the ability to form and sustain connections.