What Is Biotoxin Illness?
Biotoxin illness is a life-long, chronic disease with potentially acute symptoms caused by exposure to toxic mold, tick-borne diseases, pfiesteria, ciguatera, blue-green algae, spider bites and red tide. It can cause CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), which Scott McMahon MD calls “the most common disease of which many doctors have never heard”. CIRS is a chronic, progressive, multi-symptom, multisystem illness caused by exposure to these biotoxins. Chronic inflammation causes damage to health in myriad ways, and underpins all chronic health conditions.
Biotoxin illness is common in children (and adults) with:
Common symptoms of biotoxin illness are:
- Memory problems
- Concentration and focus problems
- Fatigue
- Respiratory problems
- Joint and muscle pain
- Headaches
- Nose bleeds
- Unexplained digestive problems
- Unusual pains
- Frequent urination
- Night sweats
- Tingling
- Numbness
What Is the BioNexus Approach?
Dr. Jodie Dashore created the BioNexus approach from her years of training as an ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases) practitioner and as a registered herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild, among many other trainings and experiences. This approach takes a bioindividualized approach using a proprietary line of herbal clinical formulas that she developed as a gentle way to restore her son Brian to health after the damage that had been done from taking years of antibiotics for his autism and underlying PANDAS diagnoses. She later discovered from Richie Shoemaker MD that these diagnoses were due to biotoxin illness from mold exposure and consequential Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), which is driven by chronic inflammation. Thus, the BioNexus approach incorporates elements of Dr. Shoemaker’s protocol, as well as herbal medicine, homeopathy, homotoxicology and Ayurvedic medicine.
The BioNexus approach framework for treating biotoxin illness is outlined in the book and includes:
- Foundation protocol
- Gastrointestinal support
- Detoxification support
- Addressing root causes
- Bio-individualized repair
- Regeneration protocol
- Optimizing maintenance and lifestyle
What Else Is in the Book
This book contains information about little-understood topics such as:
- MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic-Resistant Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci)
- HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) genes that increase susceptibility to biotoxin illness
- VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor)
- MSH (Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone)
- Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) test
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
- Porphyria
- Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
It also contains:
- Suggested uses for BioNexus Herbals products
- Recommendations for specific brands of products and supplements
- Ayurvedic recipes for foods, teas, salves and other food-/herbal-based remedies
Dr. Dashore writes that “Biotoxin illness is a life-long disease that can spiral into CIRS when symptoms are ignored or left untreated. To prevent relapses, patients must alter their lifestyle, home, diets, and daily routines to live symptom-free.” In other words, there is no silver bullet that one takes to make these symptoms go away and never come back. Instead, daily maintenance and vigilence must be done.
This book is one of the few definitive guides on biotoxin and mycotoxin illnesses that underlie so many different chronic health conditions. If your or your child’s progress in healing is stalled or plateaud, it is likely that there is an unaddressed “chronic, progressive multisymptom, multisystem illness caused by exposure to mycotoxins.” Part Three of the book, Finding a Diagnosis, can be especially helpful to understand the differential diagnosis criteria (including results from specific tests) used to rule in or rule out biotoxin illness/CIRS as a root cause of a chronic health condition.
Parents and non-medical professionals should not attempt to use the BioNexus approach as a do-it-yourself program. Instead, find a practitioner that you can work with and who understands the material outlined in this book. Your best bet is to find a Lyme-literate practitioner who is an ILADS member.
Parents and non-medical professionals can benefit from reading this book because they can gain an understanding of the cause, testing and treatment of biotoxin illness that they can use to better work with their healthcare practitioner.
About Jodie Dashore PhD OTD MSc
Dr. Jodie A. Dashore is an internationally recognized pioneering clinician in autism, biotoxin illness, chronic inflammatory response syndrome, and Lyme disease.
As a member of ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society) and a Lyme-literate naturopathic clinician since 2010, Dr. Dashore has an excellent track record using all natural protocols for helping patients with chronic and treatment-resistant Lyme disease.
Dr. Dashore received her PhD in integrative medicine with her thesis focus on medical herbalism for autism. She also holds a doctorate in occupational therapy specializing in neurology with her thesis focus on traumatic brain injury and stroke. She additionally holds a post-doctoral specialization in advanced neuro-sensory integration.
You can find out more about her at her website: www.bionexushealth.com

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Sources & References
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Dr. Bogner Health: Mycotoxins and Autism
Dr. Shoemaker’s 11 Step Treatment Protocol
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GENIE (Genomic Expression: Inflammation Explained) test
Mosaic Diagnostics MycoTOX Profile
Visual Contrast Sensitivity Test (VCS)
Change the Air Foundation's Downloads on Mold Remediation
Autism and Mold Exposure: Why Testing for Mycotoxins is so Important by Dr. Woeller
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