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This Is Urgent

A letter from our Executive Director — December 2017

Dear Friends,

Seven years ago when I published A Compromised Generation, and founded Documenting Hope, I knew in my heart that if we just let enough people know about the skyrocketing rates of chronic illnesses in children, we could end this epidemic. I thought:

“Surely, once people know what is happening, they will all rise up to protect our babies.”

And here we are at the end of 2017 and the rates of illness in our kids continue to climb.

Documenting Hope needs your help so we can continue to educate and empower parents to protect their children. The epidemic of childhood conditions is–tragically–still on the rise, and your support is more critical than ever.

It costs just $100 per day for Documenting Hope to keep you connected to the latest research, healing experts, and educational programming you have come to depend on.

Will you give a year-end gift to fund one full day of this important work?

  • Give $100 to support 1 full day of top-notch educational programming
  • Give $250 to support 2 full days and allow us to expand our programming
  • Give $500 to support a full weeks worth of programming
  • Give $1000 to support 10 full days of programming

We have no time to lose.

Documenting Hope is as committed as ever to putting an end to this epidemic.

Will you help? Will you rise up to protect our children?

Fund 1 full day of Documenting Hope educational programming and help us teach parents how to bring their children back to vibrant health.

We’re doing everything we can to inspire change. To empower parents. To heal our babies. But we can’t do it on our own.

We need every mom and every dad. Every grandma and every grandpa. Everyone who loves a child and cares about their future.

DONATE NOW and tell our kids “I won’t let you down.”

Thank you for your continued and generous support.






Executive Director, Documenting Hope

About Beth Lambert

Beth Lambert is a former healthcare consultant and teacher. As a consultant, she worked with pharmaceutical, medical device, diagnostic and other health care companies to evaluate industry trends.

She is the author of A Compromised Generation: The Epidemic of Chronic Illness in America’s Children (Sentient Publications, 2010). She is also a co-author of Documenting Hope's Brain Under Attack: A Resource for Parents and Caregivers of Children with PANS, PANDAS, and Autoimmune Encephalitis. She is a co-author of Reversal of Autism Symptoms among Dizygotic Twins through a Personalized Lifestyle and Environmental Modification Approach: A Case Report and Review of the Literature, J. Pers. Med. 2024, 14(6), 641.

In 2009, Beth founded Documenting Hope and currently serves as Executive Director. Beth attended Oxford University, graduated from Williams College and holds a Masters Degree in American Studies from Fairfield University.

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