We interviewed Carol Garner-Houston about the use of Brain Harmony’s occupational therapy and neuroplasticity tools for neurological disorganization. You can watch the replay below. Please note that you will be asked to provide your email address at the 30-minute mark to continue viewing the replay.
What Is Brain Harmony?
Brain Harmony is a home program supporting children and adults worldwide to rewire their brains and treat the underlying central nervous system disorganization at the root of:
- Hyperlexia
- Anxiety
- Strokes
- Post-concussive syndrome
- Neurological symptoms
- Trauma
Brain Harmony’s repeated, simultaneous, multisensory approach builds neurological pathways and increases synaptic activity at any age. It does this with a proprietary 5-Step Plan of Care that is tailored to each person. The plan includes:
- Vagal regulation, which gets the body out of fight or flight and calms down the nervous system
- Neurological organization using a combination of tools to improve brain function
- Reflex integration using manual intervention to integrate retained primitive reflexes
- Therapeutic activities that incorporate balance, strength, and range of motion, to further organize the brain and improve functional activity
- Self-care skills that break complex tasks into simple, digestible steps and work on frustration tolerance, coping skills, and more
In This Webinar
In this webinar, Carol Garner-Houston discussed Brain Harmony, a home-based therapy program that focuses on reflex integration to address sleep conditions, sound sensitivities, and hyper responsive startle reflex. This therapy emphasizes building a solid neurological foundation through sensory-system tuning and therapeutic coaching. It uses neuroplastic tools such as the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) and devices such as the Alpha Stim for vagal regulation. The program is designed to treat some of the root causes of conditions such as ADHD, autism, trauma, anxiety, and tic disorders, and offers international support with flexibility in device rental and purchase options.
Carol helped us answer the following questions:
- What is Brain Harmony?
- Which kinds of neurological disorders is Brain Harmony best used for? Does this include seizures?
- Why is vagal-nerve regulation the first step in the program?
- Which kinds of tools are used for neurological reorganization?
- Are retained reflexes common in most people with neurological disorders? Which reflexes?
- What are some of the therapeutic activities that Brain Harmony uses to organize the brain?
- What is the age range of people that can be helped by Brain Harmony?
- How is Brain Harmony different than Brain Balance?
- Does Brain Harmony negate the need for therapies such as vision therapy or auditory therapy?
- Is this program 100% home-based? Can it be used by anyone, anywhere in the world?
Key Discussions
Reflex Integration and Neurological Development
Establishing a solid foundation through reflex integration is crucial for physical and emotional development. This foundational work is necessary before leveraging more advanced tools such as neurofeedback, and it can be effectively integrated into educational settings like homeschooling and PE classes to support brain development.
Home-Based Therapeutic Program
Brain Harmony focuses on delivering therapy through the screen, which allows for remote, personalized treatment plans guided by licensed therapists. This model offers a flexible and accessible way for families to engage in neurological therapy, extending support even internationally.
Neuroplastic Tools
Utilizing neuroplastic tools such as the Safe and Sound Protocol, the Alpha Stim device, and structured listening programs can lead to significant improvements in sensory, communication, and engagement skills. These tools aim to treat the root causes of neurological issues rather than simply providing compensatory strategies.
Vagal Regulation and Sensory Motor Calming
Regulating the vagus nerve through tools like the Alpha Stim and employing protocols like the Safe and Sound Protocol are essential for enabling a calm, regulated state. Creating a sense of safety in the nervous system is foundational before other therapeutic goals, such as improving speech and attention, can be effectively addressed.
Functional Medicine and Comprehensive Approach
Addressing neurological conditions often requires a comprehensive approach that includes functional medicine. Monitoring underlying causes, such as inflammation, stress, and autoimmune issues, and integrating dietary strategies, can enhance the efficacy of the therapeutic interventions provided by Brain Harmony.
Timestamped Overview
00:00 Carol Garner Houston: Neurodevelopmental specialist, occupational therapist.
19:58 Custom neuroplastic program using sound and vibration.
25:56 Vagal regulating using calming tracks and bone conduction.
40:02 Neurofeedback and biofeedback in clinic models explained.
50:14 App helps rewire and provide support.
56:40 Consistent headphones provided stability during chaotic times.
01:05:44 Safe and Sound Protocol offers softer versions.
01:16:31 Enhancing social skills through polyvagal theory.
01:30:19 Neuroplasticity empowers change through input and support.
01:34:13 Sound programs regulate parasympathetic, benefitting various bodily functions.
01:51:17 Therapist coaching and lesson plans leasing offer.
02:00:58 Neuroplastic tools, 4-month improvement estimate explained.
Resources Mentioned in This Webinar

- Steven Porges’ Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)
- Integrated Listening System (ILS)
- ILs research and supporting data
- Brain Harmony research and case studies
- Reflex integration
- Alpha-Stim®
- Reflexes, Learning And Behavior: A Window into the Child’s Mind : A Non-Invasive Approach to Solving Learning & Behavior Problems by Sally Goddard
- The Symphony of Reflexes: Interventions for Human Development, Autism, ADHD, CP, and Other Neurological Disorders by Bonnie Brandes
- The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science by Norman Doidge MD
- Quantum Reflex Integration with Bonnie Brandes webinar replay
- Brain Harmony success stories by condition
About Carol Garner-Houston
Carol Garner-Houston, a neurodevelopmental specialist and licensed occupational therapist with over 25 years experience, is the Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Brain Harmony.
With over two decades of experience, Mrs. Carol Garner-Houston’s expertise lies in pediatric and adult neurological development, where she has gained widespread recognition from both colleagues and patients.
In order to fulfill her career aspirations, she left her home state of Louisiana and attended Virginia Commonwealth University where she studied for her Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, graduating in 1996.

She was instantly drawn to the art of occupational therapy that customizes intervention to find a patient’s unique purpose, regardless of physical or mental circumstances.
Throughout her career, Mrs. Garner-Houston has enjoyed many successes including Health Systems Innovations Award serving vulnerable populations in mental health from the National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems while working at Charity Hospital in New Orleans.
In 2020 she was awarded the NBCOT Impact Award for her exceptional professional commitment through dedication, hard work, and outstanding OT skills to improve their clients’ life satisfaction.
You can learn more about Brain Harmony at their website https://www.brainharmony.com/
This webinar is not a substitute for medical advice, treatment, diagnosis, or consultation with a medical professional. It is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on to make determinations related to treatment of a medical condition. Documenting Hope has not verified and does not guaranty the accuracy of the information provided in this webinar.
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Balance Brain Achievement Centers
Brain Harmony research and case studies
Brain Harmony success stories by condition
ILs research and supporting data
Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology
Integrated Listening System (ILS)
My Child Will Thrive: Primitive Reflexes Cheat Sheet
Quantum Reflex Integration with Bonnie Brandes webinar replay