Lyme Disease Symptoms
Consider that your child may have chronic Lyme disease if he or she has:
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Joint pain
- Muscle pain
- Sleep issues
- Cognitive problems
- Behavioral problems
- Neuropathy
- Depression
- Anxiety
In This Webinar
In this webinar, well known Lyme specialist Lee Cowden MD taught us about ways to treat Lyme disease and its co-infections without the use of antibiotics. Chronic Lyme disease can appear without the classic “bull’s-eye rash” or even a tick bite. It can even be passed from mother to child. Because Lyme disease affects the neurological system of the body, it can be common in children with:
- Autism
- Developmental delays
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Learning disabilities
- Autoimmune disorders, especially Rheumatoid Arthritis
Key Discusssions
Traditional antibiotic treatments for Lyme disease have limitations and may not provide a complete solution, especially for chronic cases. An integrative, multimodal approach that includes herbal treatments, detoxification practices, managing the potential Herxheimer reaction, and addressing co-infections can be more effective. Education, community support, and continual research into the complexities of Lyme disease and its many presentations are essential for devising successful treatment strategies.
Limitations of Antibiotic Treatment for Lyme Disease
Antibiotics may not be effective for chronic Lyme disease, and their use can attenuate the antibody response, leading to negative blood tests that underestimate the presence of the disease. Doxycycline treatment in vitro does not always kill the bacteria, especially those in biofilm, whereas herbal tinctures like banderol may be effective.
The long-term use of antibiotics can also disrupt gut flora, impacting overall health and development, particularly in pregnant women. Antibiotics are less effective after the initial six weeks of infection, making early treatment and diagnosis crucial.
Antibiotic treatment may not lead to a complete resolution of Lyme disease, as the bacteria can re-emerge with stress or go undetected due to hiding in granular forms.
Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions and Support Programs
The Cowden Support Program and various herbal antimicrobials can be used as an alternative treatment for Lyme and co-infections, focusing on detoxification, immune support, and use of natural antimicrobial agents. Rotation of antimicrobial agents and the incorporation of herbal extracts are intended to address biofilm-protected microbes and support organs during detox. Detox methods such as saunas, clay baths, and fasting are can be helpful in promoting recovery together with specific drainage remedies.
Adrenal and gut health support are essential, with adaptogenic herbs and probiotics being used to rebuild adrenal glands and restore gut flora. It’s important to consider environmental factors, such as exposure to electromagnetic pollution, and healing diets to support overall health.
Herxheimer Reaction and Detoxification
The Herxheimer reaction is a common occurrence after antimicrobial treatment, with symptoms that need to be managed effectively using drainage remedies and possibly berberine and pinella herbal remedies. Proper hydration and the use of lymphatic support techniques like gallbladder flush are important for managing detoxification pathways.
Detoxification is critical for treatment success, with an analogy of a bathtub being used to explain the need to open detox drainage pathways. Failure to address the Herxheimer reaction adequately can lead to treatment setbacks, making supportive care essential in an integrative treatment approach.
The Complexity of Lyme Disease and Co-Infections
Lyme disease can be caused by various Borrelia species, with co-infections like bartonella, babesia, and Rickettsia also contributing to the severity and persistence of symptoms. Misconceptions about the prevalence and detection of Lyme challenge effective treatment. The disease is not limited to the northeastern U.S., and not all patients recall a tick bite or develop a bull’s-eye rash, complicating diagnosis.
It is crucial to test for a variety of pathogens beyond the standard ELISA test, which is not entirely reliable, and to consider integrative treatments that address multiple microbes simultaneously.
Access to Educational Resources and Community Support
Dr. Cowden encourages individuals and health professionals to become members of for access to educational resources on Lyme disease and other illnesses. The Academy offers an integrative medicine fellowship and online education programs to provide comprehensive knowledge and resources on treating Lyme disease. Joining a community of like-minded practitioners can provide support, share successful treatment protocols, and foster a collaborative approach to managing health conditions like Lyme disease.
Timestamped Overview
00:00 Dr. Cowden introduction.
09:30 Lyme disease allows parasites to cause problems.
13:16 Biofilm shields bug, Lyme disease transmission complex.
17:53 Homeopathic treatment successful; ties between diseases discovered.
22:03 Early stress can trigger immune suppression and overgrowth.
28:35 Study tested natural medicine for advanced borreliosis.
37:02 Conquering adversity: From disability to PhD success.
38:53 Sent empiric program, saw 70% improvement. Analyzed failures.
45:11 Noni reduces inflammation, Nutramedix uses imprints.
48:39 Nutramedix products detoxify body systems effectively.
58:39 Critical organs for patient: lungs, liver, gallbladder.
01:00:28 Customize program to reduce environmental electromagnetic pollution.
01:09:59 Identify Lyme lookalikes, clear mold and fungus.
01:16:29 Avoid aspergillus-derived enzymes due to allergies.
01:24:29 Study found amantilla and babuna improved sleep.
01:32:05 Rotate foods every four days to avoid allergies.
01:37:01 Fungal sinusitis can be treated effectively.
01:42:47 Prioritize parasite treatment. Watch out for toxic fumes.
You can find Dr. Cowden’s presentation Non-Pharmaceutical Treatment of Lyme Disease and Co-infections here.
About Lee Cowden MD MD(H)
Lee Cowden is the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board and Academy Professor of the Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine. He is a U.S. board-certified cardiologist and internist who is internationally known for his knowledge and skill in practicing and teaching integrative medicine.
He has co-authored many books and articles on integrative medicine and has pioneered successful treatments of cancer, autism, Lyme disease and many other illnesses. He received his MD degree from the University of Texas Medical School, Houston, Texas in 1978. He completed his internal medicine residency at St. Louis University Hospital from 1978 to 1981.

He also completed a fellowship in cardiology & critical care medicine at St. John’s Mercy Medical Center and St. Louis University Hospital from 1981 to 1984. You can find out more about his organization at ACIM Connect.
This webinar is not a substitute for medical advice, treatment, diagnosis, or consultation with a medical professional. It is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on to make determinations related to treatment of a medical condition. Documenting Hope has not verified and does not guaranty the accuracy of the information provided in this webinar.
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Bill Rawls MD: How I Recovered from Fibromyalgia and Lyme
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Dr. Cindee Gardner: Treating Lyme Disease Naturally & Effectively
Dr. Jay Davidson: What’s the Connection Between Toxic Mold and Lyme Disease?
Dr. Jay Davidson: Removing Parasites to Fix Lyme and Chronic Illnesses
Gordon Crozier DO: How This Doctor Finally Diagnosed His Lyme Disease
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