We interviewed Peter Sullivan of Clear Light Ventures about the role of EMFs in excitotoxicity, autism, seizures, PANS/PANDAS and other neurological disorders. Please note that you will be asked to provide your email address at the 30-minute mark to continue viewing the replay.
EMFs, Excitotoxicity, Glutamate, Autism and Seizures
In 2013, Martha Herbert PhD MD, et al, proposed that the physiological impacts of electromagnetic frequency and radiofrequency exposures (EMF/RFR) may contribute to symptoms of autism due to disruption of voltage-gated calcium channels. Concurrently, researcher Martin Pall PhD documented some of these effects.
By 2015, Dr. Pall asserted that the autism epidemic is caused by EMFs, acting via calcium channels and chemicals acting via NMDA-Rs. In plainer English, this means that EMFs can lead to excess levels of calcium in the brain. In turn, excess calcium raises levels of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate in the brain, which can lead to symptoms of autism. Excess glutamate can lead to brain-cell death, a condition dubbed excitotoxicity by Russell Blaylock MD.
In fact, some parents and researchers such as Katie Reid PhD have found that lowering levels of excess glutamate in the diet of children with autism can improve attention, focus, language and communication. Other parents and clinicians note that the low-glutamate diet can also improve symptoms of seizures, PANS/PANDAS and other neurological conditions.
In This Webinar
Peter Sullivan notes that autism symptoms can also be lessened by ameliorating EMF exposures. In this webinar, Peter helped us answer the following questions:
- What is a voltage-gated calcium channel?
- How do EMFs from cordless house phones, fluorescent lights, cell phones, baby monitors, Wi-Fi systems and smart meters contribute to symptoms of autism and other neurological conditions?
- Can electrical fields from large electric devices such as refrigerators also contribute to these symptoms?
- Do heavy metals in the brain and body contribute to increased EMF sensitivity?
- What are some ways to determine if a child is being negatively affected by EMFs?
- How can a parent mitigate their child’s exposure to EMFs?
- What is a “clean room”?
Resources Mentioned in This Webinar
- Documenting Hope CHIRP™ Study
- Documenting Hope FLIGHT™ Study: The Invisible Health Hazard That Is Easy to Miss
- Peter’s website: Clear Light Ventures
- Joseph Mercola’s book: EMF*D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself
- Annie Hopper’s Dynamic Neural Retraining System
- Matthew Walker MD’s book: Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
- Gigahertz Solutions NFA1000 EMF meter
- Gigahertz Solutions ME3851A EMF meter
- Safe and Sound Pro II RF Meter
- Clear Light Ventures: EMF Meters
- Info page: EMDR
- Info page: Seizures
- Samuel Milham’s book: Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization
- Satic USA: Devices for reducing EMF and 5G exposure
- Noxtak Clean Technologies: EMF protection for public areas
- Webinar replay: Biomagnetism Therapy with Dr. Luis Garcia
- Webinar replay: How Modern Living Can Help or Hurt Your Child with Chris D’Adamo PhD
- Shielded Healing – Reinventing human habitats for optimal health
- Sauna Space red light elements
- Tech Wellness
- Safer Tech
- JRS Eco Wireless
- Mercola Silvershield® EMF Shielding Tent
- Bruce Lourie’s book: Toxin Toxout: Getting Harmful Chemicals Out of Our Bodies and Our World
- Defender Shield 5G and EMF radiation shielding
- HARA radiation protection laptop pad
- Spiro® Disc Ultra long-range EMF protection system
- YouMatrix 5G stickers
- Take Back Your Power documentary
- GQ EMF-390 3-in-1 EMF ELF RF meter, 5G cell tower smart meter WiFi signal detector RF up to 10GHz with data logger and 2.5Ghz spectrum analyzer
- Peter Sullivan YouTube channel
- Autism and EMF Facebook group
About Peter Sullivan
Peter Sullivan is the founder and CEO of Clear Light Ventures, Inc., as well as an environmental health funder who focuses on toxins and wireless safety. He has spent the last 20 years working on environmental health and human performance. In the same time period, he recovered from mercury poisoning and the effects of high levels of wireless and EMF exposure.
Peter’s work on detoxification and EMF have been featured in the book Toxin Toxout: Getting Harmful Chemicals Out of Our Bodies and Our World, the book The Out of Sync Child Grows Up: Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder in the Adolescent and Adult Years, and CNN’s Morgan Spurlock: Inside Man. He serves on the advisory board for the International Institute for Building-Biology & Ecology and on the board of Pure Earth.

Over the last 10 years, Peter has funded efforts to reduce mercury and other toxic metals from the environment. He funded roughly half of the National Resources Defense Council’s’s mercury program, and in 2008, they successfully sued the EPA to close the cement industry’s exemption from the Clean Air Act. This victory resulted in an annual healthcare savings of approximately 6.7 billion dollars. Additionally, he funded the work of several non-profits working toward the UN’s international mercury treaty (The Minamata Convention on Mercury), which was signed in 2013.
In 2012, Peter’s company Clear Light Ventures collaborated with Enviu to develop the Toxic Metal Challenge, a contest to generate product and business concepts for widespread heavy metal testing. The contest drew 90 participants from 18 different countries.
His efforts are now focused on raising awareness about the known health effects of wireless radiation and EMF (electromagnetic fields), both of which are listed as group group 2B carcinogens by the World Health Organization.
Today Peter is one of the leading funders in the country in this area of research, funding work at Harvard, Stanford, University of California, Berkeley and several leading environmental health non-profits. He speaks about autism and environmental health at conferences throughout the United States and abroad. Previously, he was a software designer for Netflix, Inc., Interwoven, Inc., Excite@Home, and Silicon Graphics. Prior to working in high-tech, he was an Executive Officer and pilot in the United States Navy. He has a BA in psychology from University of Detroit and an MS in computer science from Stanford University. You can find out more about his work at ClearLightVentures.com
This webinar is not a substitute for medical advice, treatment, diagnosis, or consultation with a medical professional. It is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on to make determinations related to treatment of a medical condition. Documenting Hope has not verified and does not guaranty the accuracy of the information provided in this webinar.
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Defender Shield 5G and EMF radiation shielding
Gigahertz Solutions ME3851A EMF meter
Gigahertz Solutions NFA1000 EMF meter
HARA radiation protection laptop pad
Mercola Silvershield® EMF Shielding Tent
Safe and Sound Pro II RF Meter
Spiro® Disc Ultra long-range EMF protection system
Pall, Martin. EMFs and Chemicals as the Main Drivers of the Autism Epidemic: Mechanisms of Action. AutismOne Conference, 2017.
Amy Yasko’s list of foods with high free glutamates
Amy Yasko’s list of neuroprovokers
Dynamic Neural Retraining System
Katie Reid’s pantry list of recommended foods.
MSG: Deadly Menace in Your Food: Article by Russell Blaylock MD, neurosurgeon
Natural plant products and extracts that reduce immunoexcitotoxicity-associated neurodegeneration and promote repair within the central nervous system: Peer-reviewed article by Russell Blaylock MD, neurosurgeon
Noxtak Clean Technologies: EMF protection for public areas
Satic USA: Devices for reducing EMF and 5G exposure
Sauna Space red light elements
Shielded Healing – Reinventing human habitats for optimal health
Unblind My Mind: Dr. Reid’s website gives extensive explanation about the science, a TED talk by Dr. Reid and video tutorials to help parent’s discern appropriate foods in a local supermarket
Excitotoxins, Neurotoxins & Human Neurological Disease Lecture by Russell Blaylock MD
Glutamate, Excitoxicity and Autism
Peter Sullivan: Understanding Autism
Peter Sullivan YouTube channel
Unblind My Mind: What Are We Eating? Dr. Katherine Reid at TEDxYouth@GrassValley