Jun 29, 2024 | Autoimmune Disorders, Conditions, FLIGHT Study, Research
Jeremiah’s Alopecia Universalis It is time for a brief reflection on our journey over the last year and a half with a wonderful family and the young man, Jeremiah, whom the Documenting Hope (DH) team has fondly come to know as Jay. Jay joined the DH FLIGHT™...
Jun 6, 2024 | About the Epidemic, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Conditions, News, Reference Library
Beth Lambert, founder of Documenting Hope, was cited in Joel Warsh MD’s article entitled “Autism Rates Surge: Beyond Genetics and Diagnosis” in The Epoch Times on June 4, 2024. In the article, Dr. Warsh wondered why the medical community isn’t questioning...
Apr 1, 2024 | Autoimmune Disorders, Conditions, FLIGHT Study, Learning Disabilities, Research, Vision Therapy
Baseline Assessments As part of the FLIGHT™ Study’s baseline assessments, Jeremiah had initial evaluations by a functional dentist, an occupational therapist who assesses reflex integration, a neurofeedback practitioner, and a developmental optometrist, among others....
Mar 14, 2024 | CHIRP Study, FLIGHT Study, News, Research, Research Studies
Attendees at the inaugural Documenting Hope Conference in November 2023 received a robust update on the progress of the Documenting Hope Research Studies: The CHIRP™ Study and the FLIGHT™ Study. For those who were not able to attend the conference, following is a...
Feb 7, 2024 | Autism Spectrum Disorder, Conditions, FLIGHT Study, Research
Ty is our first FLIGHT™ Study participant. He entered the study when he was four years old with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. While this blog post marks the informal end to Ty’s 18-month participation in the study, the Documenting Hope Team will be evaluating...
Jan 19, 2024 | Autoimmune Disorders, Conditions, EMFs, FLIGHT Study, Research, Root Causes & Stressors
Electromagnetic Radiation! Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is often dismissed as not a “real” health threat, despite a growing body of scientific evidence demonstrating that even low levels of exposure to electrical fields can contribute to conditions as varied as...
Dec 14, 2023 | Autism Spectrum Disorder, Conditions
Watch the video to learn what Simon’s mom did to help him heal. We’re on a mission to help more members of our community generate their own healing success stories. Please make a donation to help more children heal. HELP MORE CHILDREN HEAL Give a Tax-Deductible...
Dec 14, 2023 | Autism Spectrum Disorder, Conditions
Watch the video to learn what Aidan’s mom did to help him heal. We’re on a mission to help more members of our community generate their own healing success stories. Please make a donation to help more children heal. HELP MORE CHILDREN HEAL Give a Tax-Deductible...
Dec 14, 2023 | Autism Spectrum Disorder, Conditions, FLIGHT Study, Research
Watch the video to learn what these parents did to help their twin girls heal. We’re on a mission to help more members of our community generate their own healing success stories. Please make a donation to help more children heal. HELP MORE CHILDREN HEAL Give a...
Dec 13, 2023 | Autism Spectrum Disorder, Conditions, Seizures
Watch the video to learn what Sargent’s parents did to help him heal. We’re on a mission to help more members of our community generate their own healing success stories. Please make a donation to help more children heal. HELP MORE CHILDREN HEAL Give a Tax-Deductible...
Dec 7, 2023 | Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD & ADHD), Conditions
Watch the video and read below to learn what John’s mom did to help him heal. We’re on a mission to help more members of our community generate their own healing success stories. Please make a tax-deductible donation to help more children heal. HELP MORE CHILDREN HEAL...
Dec 7, 2023 | Autism Spectrum Disorder, Conditions, Functional Nutrition
Watch the video below to learn what Thomas’ mom did to help him heal. We’re on a mission to help more members of our community generate their own healing success stories. Please make a donation to help more children heal. HELP MORE CHILDREN HEAL Give a Tax-Deductible...