Conditions Hypotonia and Hypertonia

Hypotonia and Hypertonia

Children can develop hypotonia or hypertonia a few months after birth due to neurological assault that showed up as a developmental delay after illness, pediatrician visit or medication administration.

Hypotonia and Hypertonia Articles

Neurodevelopmental Therapy Checklist

Neurodevelopmental Therapy Checklist

Not Just for Autism Therapy is a critical piece of healing a child with autism, and we have created an autism therapy checklist to help you out. Please note therapies listed in this checklist may also be helpful for children ... Read More
How Nutrition Affects Hypotonia

How Nutrition Affects Hypotonia

In this blog post, nutritionist Kelly Dorfman explains how certain mitochondria-boosting supplements can help with hyptonia. Hypotonia Common in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders Many children with developmental delays have low muscle tone, or hypotonia, because external factors that impact the ... Read More
Hypotonia and Hypertonia

Hypotonia and Hypertonia Main Info Page

What Are Hypotonia and Hypertonia? Children with muscle tone disorders usually have either hypotonia or hypertonia. Hypotonia, which means low muscle tone, causes increased flexibility and looseness of the muscles. Hypertonia, which means high or too much muscle tone, causes ... Read More
Children Thrive with Neurodevelopmental Movement

Children Thrive with Neurodevelopmental Movement

Sonia Story of explains how neurodevelopmental movement can help with symptoms of autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder and learning disabilities in this article. Parents and therapists worldwide are learning joyful, transformative movements that help children thrive. These special neurodevelopmental ... Read More
Hypotonia and Nutrition

Hypotonia and Nutrition

What Is Hypotonia? Low muscle tone, or hypotonia, is one of the physical problems often associated with developmental delays; nutrition and low muscle tone are intimately connected. Children can have generalized hypotonia or it may affect just specific areas such ... Read More
The Vestibular System and Auditory Language Processing

The Vestibular System and Auditory Language Processing

The vestibular system and auditory language processing: Children with vestibular dysfunction may also have auditory language processing problems. The Vestibular System As they research their child's disability, many parents learn about sensory integration and the importance of the body's vestibular ... Read More

Hypotonia and Hypertonia Webinars

MNRI® Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration
The Out-of-Sync Child and Sensory Processing Disorder with Carol Stock Kranowitz
Recovering Children from Sensory Processing Disorder with Maria Rickert Hong

Hypotonia and Hypertonia Stories

Anthony: Autism and Apraxia

Anthony: Autism and Apraxia

Anthony was 3-1/2, and he still had no words. That's how this story always starts out... He had been in speech therapy since he was 18 months old, and he started occupational therapy when he was 2. He was diagnosed ... Read More
Nathan: Sensory Processing Disorder, Reflux and Asthma

Nathan: Sensory Processing Disorder, Reflux and Asthma

My sons have healed from Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), acid reflux, asthma and eczema. I used to wonder a long time ago if these issues were related to each other and to their developmental delays, anxiety, failure to thrive and ... Read More
Terrie PDD-NOS

Terrie: PDD-NOS

I have two daughters ages 13 and 10. My second daughter, Terrie*, has many labels including PDD-NOS (which is now an autism spectrum disorder), hypotonia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD). She has come a long way in ... Read More

Hypotonia and Hypertonia Books

Almost Autism: Recovering Children from Sensory Processing Disorder, A Reference for Parents and Practitioners