The Hazards of EMF and What You Can Do About It

In This Presentation

Devra Davis PhD MPH explains the hazards of EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) and what you can do about it in this presentation sponsored by Ruth Westreich of The Westreich Foundation. Panelists include Mary Anne Tierney of Blue Ridge EMF Solutions, Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America, psychiatrist Natalie Sadler MD, Rob Brown MD and Joe Sandri JD.

This group of EMF experts discuss the pressing need for safer technological alternatives and industry regulations. The conversation highlights practical solutions for reducing EMF exposure, such as hardwiring internet connections and using radiation filters, while also underscoring the outdated and insufficient safety standards set by regulatory bodies such as the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). These experts share their personal experiences, research findings, and advocate for increased public action and awareness to mitigate the adverse effects of EMF on human and environmental health.

Key Discussions

Impact of EMF on Health and Environment

There is significant evidence that EMFs and radiation from wireless technology can negatively impact human health and the environment. This includes potential DNA damage, oxidative stress, impacts on bees and trees, and higher incidences of neurological symptoms and diseases.

Current Regulatory Gaps and Industry Practices

Existing regulations and standards by bodies like the FCC are outdated and insufficient for protecting people and wildlife from the effects of EMFs. There is a pressing need for updated standards and greater accountability from industry players to ensure safety.

Practical Measures to Reduce Exposure

Individuals can take several practical steps to reduce their exposure to EMFs, such as hardwiring internet connections, using ethernet cables and adapters, using low-radiation routers, turning off WiFi when not in use, and careful placement and use of mobile devices.

Advocacy and Policy Changes

There is a strong call to action for citizens to advocate for stricter regulations and standards on EMF emissions. This includes writing to Congress, demanding accountability from regulatory bodies, and promoting safer technological alternatives.

Educational and Community Initiatives

Education and awareness are crucial in mitigating the risks associated with EMFs. Community initiatives such as Zen Honeycutt’s Moms Across America and other advocacy efforts highlight the importance of grassroots movements in bringing change and influencing policy around safer technology and environmental health.

Timestamped Overview

00:00 Passionate advocate for human and planetary health.
06:56 Dr. Brown: cell phone radiation causes cancer.
16:18 Phones tested in 2019 exceeded safety limits.
20:47 Thyroid cancer linked to heavy phone use.
27:27 iPad teething rattle case, risky for children.
32:43 High exposure to base stations affects motor skills. Impact of mobile phone towers on behavior. Limit screen time for safer, happier children.
35:20 Cell membranes, radiation impact, infertility risk highlighted.
42:04 Dielectric parameters predicting honeybee interference and decline.
45:57 Case reports important.
52:52 Introduction of panelists.
01:02:07 A bau building biologist can help lower voltage risk. Taking a sabbatical from tech boosts calm, clarity.
01:12:03 Left California due to cell tower placement.
01:19:30 Panelists address concerns of cellular and Wi-Fi radiation.
01:26:31 Industry violating rules.
01:33:37 Elios sells electricity filtering for voltage spikes.
01:39:37 Switching from 5G to LTE or 4G.
01:44:03 Routers emit harmful microwatts.
01:49:04 Shareholders can propose votes on company issues.
01:51:29 FDA to regulate heavy metals in baby formula.

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Documenting Hope. The Invisible Health Hazard That Is Easy to Miss.

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Defender Shield 5G and EMF radiation shielding

Gigahertz Solutions ME3851A EMF meter

Gigahertz Solutions NFA1000 EMF meter

GQ EMF-390 3-in-1 EMF ELF RF meter, 5G cell tower smart meter WiFi signal detector RF up to 10GHz with data logger and 2.5Ghz spectrum analyzer

HARA radiation protection laptop pad

Mercola Silvershield® EMF Shielding Tent

Safe and Sound Pro II RF Meter

Spiro® Disc Ultra long-range EMF protection system

YouMatrix 5G stickers


Pall, Martin. EMFs and Chemicals as the Main Drivers of the Autism Epidemic: Mechanisms of Action. AutismOne Conference, 2017.


Blue Ridge EMF Solutions

Clear Light Ventures

Electric Sense

Environmental Health Trust

JRS Eco Wireless

Moms Across America

Natalie Sadler MD

Noxtak Clean Technologies: EMF protection for public areas

Rob Brown MD

Safe Living Technologies

Safer Tech

Satic USA: Devices for reducing EMF and 5G exposure

Sauna Space red light elements

Shielded Healing – Reinventing human habitats for optimal health

Tech Wellness


Peter Sullivan: Understanding Autism

Peter Sullivan YouTube channel

Take Back Your Power

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