We interviewed Shelese Pratt ND, an instructor at the Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health, about the metabolic approach to autism. You can watch the replay below. Please note that you will be asked to provide your email address at the 30-minute mark to continue viewing the video.
What Is a Metabolic Approach?
Although one would assume that a metabolic approach is mostly based on metabolism and blood-sugar control, it is actually much more. The Terrain Ten that comprise the metabolic approach to autism are the same as those laid out in The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies by Nasha Winters ND FABNO L.Ac Dipl.OM. These are:
- Genetic, epigenetic, and nutrigenomic modifications
- Blood sugar balance
- Toxic burden management
- Repopulating and balancing the microbiome
- Immune system maximization
- Modulating inflammation and oxidative stress
- Enhancing blood circulation
- Establishing hormone balance
- Recalibrating stress levels and biorhythms
- Enhancing mental and emotional well-being
In This Webinar
Dr. Pratt helped us to answer the following questions in this webinar:
- What is a metabolic approach?
- Why does this approach help children with autism?
- What kinds of symptom improvement are common with this approach?
- What are some examples of improvements in children with autism who have used this approach?
- Why don’t pediatricians and neurologists know about or use this approach?
Key Discussions
Dietary Interventions for Autism and Behavioral Issues
Dietary modifications, such as a gluten-free, casein-free diet and an elimination diet, can potentially reduce inflammation and improve behaviors and other symptoms in children with autism.
The Role of Metabolic and Hormonal Factors in Child Development
Dysregulated insulin and blood sugar balance can have profound effects on the health of children with autism.
Importance of Individualized Gut Health and Microbiome Management
The health of the gut microbiome is intricately connected to overall wellness, immune function, and behavior in children with autism. Bioindividual approaches to gut health, including the use of specific probiotics and management of fungal infections, are critical to improving health and reducing symptoms.
Influence of Environment and Lifestyle on Genetic Expression
While genetics play a role in health, environmental factors and lifestyle choices significantly influence gene expression.
The Necessity of a Calm and Structured Environment for Children with Autism
Children with autism and other behavioral issues are hyper-responsive to their surroundings, making a calm, structured environment essential for their well-being. Parental self-care, stress management, and reduced exposure to overstimulating technology before bedtime are some of the important strategies to create stability and support for these children.
Timestamped Overview
00:00 Expanding expertise in treating ADHD and autism.
08:05 Functional medicine relearned, naturopathic doctors taught well.
13:48 Blogger’s lecture inspires mother to remove dyes.
20:20 Early management of blood sugar crucial for improving symptoms.
24:57 A gluten- and casein-free diet benefits children with autism.
29:47 Improved health after reducing inflammation and microbiome shift.
32:26 Low-carb diets such as the ketogenic diet aid in reducing inflammation and seizures.
41:29 Inflammation in the gut affects brain behavior.
45:35 Folic acid’s impact on spina bifida prevention.
49:34 Understanding biochemistry, heavy metals, and reducing toxins.
55:37 Doritos and hot dogs affect brain balance.
01:09:11 High cortisol impacts sleep and the immune system negatively.
01:14:27 Non-invasive therapies can help autoimmune issues.
01:15:32 Pay attention to symptoms.
01:22:48 Blood work to assess iron, homocysteine, thyroid, and the immune system.
01:27:51 High levels of lead from airports impact health.
01:33:02 Manage hydration and support organs.
01:36:59 Biofilm is like a cloak for hiding.
01:44:09 Adenosylcobalamin benefits mitochondria, calms hyperactive kids.
01:47:26 Genes influence, not determine, your life outlook.
Resources Mentioned in This Webinar
Dr. Pratt mentioned many resources in this webinar, and we provide the links below for further education.
Dietary Resources
Symptoms and Diagnoses
Informational Pages
Webinar Replays
Success Stories
Suggested Books
Other Sources
About Shelese Pratt ND
Shelese Pratt is a naturopathic doctor who graduated from the National University of Naturopathic Medicine in 2004. She is a licensed naturopathic physician in the states of Oregon and Connecticut and a registered naturopathic doctor in Colorado.
In 2019, she joined the faculty at the Intergrative Psychiatry Institute. Dr. Pratt received her mold-literate certification from Dr. Jill Crista in 2019 and graduated from the Metabolic Approach to Cancer Master Course in 2023.
She is now an instructor for the Metabolic Approach to Cancer Master Course and Terrain Advocate Program, which are run by the Metabolic Terrain Institute for Health.

She believes in individualized integrative medicine, and her practice is focused on complex medical conditions relating to metabolic disease. She uses functional medicine and her expertise in methylation and physiology to help her patients get to the root cause of their symptoms through a strategic approach. She uses traditional and specialty testing, nutrition (diet and nutritional supplements), botanicals, environmental medicine, classical homeopathy, and hydrotherapy modalities in her practice.
She has treated Lyme disease, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), mold illness/ mycotoxin exposure/CIRS, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), learning difficulties (ADD, ADHD, and dyslexia), sensory processing disorders, autistic spectrum disorders, digestive system disorders/disease, endocrine disorders, autoimmune disease, and mood disorders.
To learn more about her and her work, please visit her website at ThePrattClinics.com
This webinar is not a substitute for medical advice, treatment, diagnosis, or consultation with a medical professional. It is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on to make determinations related to treatment of a medical condition. Documenting Hope has not verified and does not guaranty the accuracy of the information provided in this webinar.
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Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution