What Do Chiropractors Do?

Healthy lifestyle, wise dietary choices and nutritional supplementation cannot replace the body’s need for structural work such as chiropractic care. Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) are practitioners that can provide holistic care.

Chiropractors look for interferences and abnormalities (called subluxations) within the body’s structure which can occur down the spine and in the neck and face areas. They locate the problem, and, with a variety of techniques, reduce the stress and interference to the nerve system so that the child can experience a much better range of function and improve their quality of life. Parents have reported major improvements in the following areas with their children over a period of time after doing chiropractic care:

Chiropractic Care and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Many children with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, Sensory Processing Disorder and ADHD have cranial nerve interferences that can result in not being able to process sensory stimuli efficiently. These interferences can cause stress and fatigue. In addition, these children seem to consistently have misalignments with the cranial, upper cervical and pelvic areas which might be due to stressors on the nervous system from birth or other trauma which tend to weaken the brain’s ability to protect itself.

Another notable subluxation with children with neurodevelopmental disorders is the combination of misalignments of the sphenoid and occipital bones which are deep in the cranium. This “sphenoid pattern” may occur from birth injury or head trauma as well as swelling and inflammation in the brain and lymphatic system from a variety of toxins or toxic exposures. These misalignments negatively affect:

  • Pumping of the cerebrospinal fluid
  • Temperature regulation
  • Intercranial pressure, causing it to increase
  • Balance of neurotransmitters and hormones
  • Impair taste, smell, hearing and speech

Some chiropractors may use an ArthroStim technology to remove subluxations of this nature.

Chiropractic Care and Ear Infections

If your baby develops ear infections shortly after birth or within the first two years of life, having a chiropractor perform special adjustments to drain the ears is a much safer choice than using antibiotics. Using antibiotics for ear infections increases the risk of “toxic overload”, which may ultimately contribute to a diagnosis of a neurodevelopmental disorder down the road. In addition to making dietary changes and addressing food allergies, regular chiropractic care can be a helpful addition to keeping your child healthy.

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