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Seizures Main Info Page

What Are Seizures?

Seizures can be a co-morbid condition associated with a disability such as autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy or mitochondrial dysfunction, although they also occur in children without any of these conditions. The brain has thousands of neurons, cells that process and transmit information through interaction with each other. Sometimes neurons can misfire without any chaotic disruptions. However, sometimes multiple neurons misfire at the same time; depending on the location and severity of the misfiring, muscle twitching, spasms and an electrical discharge can take place. When this happens, it seems like an electrical storm occurring in the brain alters the person’s sense of consciousness, behavior and senses. This is a seizure.

Types and Symptoms of Seizures

The Epilepsy Foundation lists new terms for seizure classification with their old-term counterpart that are described in great detail with distinct features and symptoms. In addition, Richard Frye MD, a neurologist specializing in autism and mitochondrial disorders, lists the common types of seizures and their symptoms:

Generalized Seizures

This type involves whole-body shaking and electrical disturbances of most of the cerebral cortex.

Focal Seizures

This type involves electrical disturbances of one or more portions of the cerebral cortex and can involve only jerking of one part of the body such as an arm, leg or one side of the face or head. Consciousness is not affected.

Secondary Generalized Seizures

Focal seizure activity in the brain can spread to the whole brain resulting in a generalized seizure.

Absence Seizures

This type involves electrical disturbance of multiple parts of the brain or the whole brain, manifesting as subtle changes in consciousness such as staring episodes. These episodes are usually short (5-20 seconds) but can occur many times per day, sometimes up to 100 times per day. Although this type of seizure can be common in children with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism, ADHD, learning disabilities and Sensory Processing Disorder, it is often not caught, as the child appears to be just “spacey” or inattentive. This type of seizure is typically only discovered after the parent has brought the child into a neurologist for an EEG (electroencephalograph) or a neurofeedback practitioner for a QEEG (quantum electroencephalograph).

Myclonic Seizures

This type of generalized seizure appears as quick short jerks of the arms, legs, body or head. They are usually associated with epileptic syndromes.

Epileptic Spasms

This type includes infantile spasms and involves brief repetitive spasms of the limbs and/or the body.

Atonic-Tonic Seizures

This is a type of generalized seizure in which an individual loses muscle tone and falls rapidly to the ground.

Electrographic Seizures

This type occurs when seizure activity occurs only in the brain without any obvious outward signs. These are not the same as subclinical electrical discharges, described below.

Subclinical Electrical Discharges

This type occurs in isolation (only one discharge), whereas a seizure is a rhythmic run of discharges that is sustained for several seconds.

Landau Kleffner Syndrome

This syndrome occurs when electrographic seizures in the language area of the brain show up as language regression after three years of age without other symptoms of autism. It is very rare.

Continuous Spike Waves During Slow Wave Sleep

This syndrome occurs when electrographic seizures happen during a certain portion of sleep. Children can have autistic symptoms, but this syndrome is very rare.

Seizures in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Some children with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism, ADHD, learning disabilities and Sensory Processing Disorder, have febrile seizures in early childhood; others develop childhood seizures and grow out of them. Epilepsy occurs in 8.6% of children with autism, although estimates range from 4% to 50%. One in four boys with autism has seizures at the onset of puberty; a small group has late-adult onset of seizures. Seizures are a leading cause of death in individuals with autism. In addition, children with ADHD are 2.33 times more likely to have seizures than children without the disorder.

Staring episodes, motor tics, aggressive behaviors, self-injurious behaviors and stereotyped behaviors may or may not be seizures, although, as stated above, it is common for children with neurodevelopmental disorders to have uncaught absence seizures. In some cases, subtle symptoms of seizures are very similar to abnormal behaviors of neurodevelopmental disorders; for more information about investigating the possibility of seizures, we recommend the book Silently Seizing: Common, Unrecognized, and Frequently Missed Seizures and Their Potentially Damaging Impact on Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders by Caren Haines RN.

As always, consult with a neurologist and ask for a 24-hour EEG to determine if your child is having seizures; a regular EEG may not pick up irregular or subtle activity in the brain.

Neuroscientist Aditi Shankardass has pioneered the use of QEEG technology to ensure the most accurate diagnosis for children with neurodevelopmental disorders. By using a QEEG brain map, she has discovered that up to 50% of children with neurodevelopmental disorders and language deficits are suffering from seizures that are causing their symptoms. In actuality, these children did not have a neurodevelopmental disorder; instead, when treated for seizures, their neurodevelopmental disorder symptoms and diagnoses disappeared.

What Your Doctor May Tell You About Seizures

Neurologists specialize in seizures, and your child’s pediatrician may refer your child to a neurologist if your child has had a seizure. After a seizure, your child’s neurologist will likely review your child’s symptoms and medical history and may order blood tests to determine infections, genetic conditions, blood sugar levels or electrolyte imbalances. The neurologist may also inquire and test your child’s behavior, motor abilities and mental function to determine if there are any issues with the brain and nervous system.

Your child’s neurologist will likely order an electroencephalograph (EEG) to see if there is reoccurring seizure activity in your child’s brain. If your child is prone to frequent seizures, the neurologist will likely write a prescription for diastat, a rectal gel that controls seizures within minutes. Your child’s neurologist may tell you that no matter what type of seizure your child may be experiencing at any age, seizures may be life threatening and usually require anti-convulsive pharmaceutical treatment.

The neurologist may also tell you that it is difficult to know exactly why seizures develop and how to stop them, which is why seizures are often categorized as “idiopathic”. Your neurologist will likely advise you to take your child to the emergency room if the seizure is prolonged or if the child’s airways are compromised by the seizure and the child is unable to breathe. Most hospitals will provide discharge paperwork with recommendations such as the ketogenic diet.

Seizure Triggers and Contributing Factors

Even though seizures are considered idiopathic (cause unknown), there are other ways of looking at seizures if you address seizures not only as an isolated neurological crisis, but rather as a symptom of your child’s current whole-body and neurological status. There are many different triggers and underlying contributing factors, yet not all children with epilepsy respond exactly the same to them.

We recommend that you keep a journal of your child’s diet, sleep and activities to help you and your doctor determine what may be triggering your child’s seizures. One thing is certain, though: Events or situations that upset the homeostasis of a child’s body are common triggers for seizures. Here are some possible underlying conditions that may be contributing to your child’s seizures:

Sleep Disturbances

Sleep disturbances, especially a lack of sleep, are common seizure triggers. These disturbances can be caused by:

  • Foods containing chemicals and  such as:
    • Preservatives
    • Artificial colors
    • Artificial flavors
    • Natural flavors
    • Salicylates
    • Phenols
  • Too much glutamate and not enough GABA (see below under “Excitotoxicity”)


The misfiring and over-firing in the brain known as excitoxicity can trigger seizures and cause brain-cell death. Russell Blaylock MD brought the issue to the public’s attention with his book Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills. Excitoxicity is caused by an excess of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate and a lack of the calming, inhibitory neurotransmtter GABA. Excitoxins are found in foods containing glutamate and aspartate such as:

  • Diet soft drinks and foods
  • Natural flavors
  • Artificial flavors
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • MSG (monosodium glutamate)
  • Aspartame
  • Maltodextrin
  • Glutamic acid
  • Autolyzed yeasts
  • Yeast extract
  • Hydrolyzed foods
  • Whey
  • Sodium caseinate
  • Carrageenan
  • Barley malt
  • Malt extracts


Stressful situations upset a child’s body’s homeostasis and can lead to a blood-sugar drop, which can cause nutritional deficiencies due to the strain they put on the body’s adrenal glands. Common causes of stress are:

  • Emotional stress
  • Physical stress
  • Photosensitivity (see below)
  • Lack of sleep (see above)
  • Severe change in temperature
  • Loud noises such as sirens

Low Blood Sugar

A blood-sugar drop in the brain can cause a seizure, as the drop can trigger a release of glutamate. Children (and adults) with low blood sugar may exhibit symptoms such as:

  • Irritability
  • Crankiness
  • Temper tantrums
  • Aggressive behavior

Make sure your child does not go for prolonged periods of time without eating to prevent low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) from occurring. Giving your child foods with simple carbohydrates creates a constant vicious cycle of blood-sugar highs and blood-sugar lows. Simple-carbohydrate foods typically contain:

  • Refined sugar
  • White flour
  • White refined carbohydrates
  • Chemically processed foods

Meals and snacks with a combination of complex carbohydrates, protein and fat will typically stabilize your child’s blood sugar.

Nutritional Deficiences

Mineral Deficiencies

Deficiencies in minerals cause a strain on the body’s ability to handle stress because minerals are necessary for proper function of the adrenal glands, which govern:

Minerals, also known as electrolytes, can trigger seizures when there are low levels of electrolytes or a sudden drop in electrolytes.

Major Electrolytes

The most common (major) electrolytes are essential to kidney functioning, and they are:

  • Potassium
  • Sodium

Magnesium levels are often found to be low in children who have seizures; maintaining these levels supports the nervous system and helps prevent seizure activity in the brain. Please note that children with excitotoxicity issues should not take calcium because it is a catalyst to the misfiring of neurotransmitters in the brain and can cause excitoxicity. Electrolyte levels can plummet rapidly during exercise and exposure to heat because electrolytes are released from the body in the form of sweat; hydration is key (see below).

Trace Minerals (Minor Electrolytes)

Trace minerals in the diet contribute to:

  • Proper hydration
  • Nervous system and brain function

Zinc is a trace mineral in which many children with seizures and other chronic conditions are commonly deficient; a zinc deficiency has been shown to cause seizures.

Vitamin Deficiencies

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Supplementation with vitamin B1 has been shown to reduce seizures; thiamine is essential for glucose metabolism and healthy nerve, muscle and heart functioning.

Vitamin B6 (P5P: Pyridoxal-5′-Phosphate)

Vitamin B6 is an important vitamin to maintain critical functioning of the nervous system. GAD – (glutamate decarboxylase), the enzyme that converts glutamic acid, an excitatory amino acid in the brain, to GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid), an inhibitory calming amino acid – is activated when vitamin B6 binds itself to it. It’s important for the brain to have increased levels of GABA (see Excitotoxicity, above) to reduce the possibility of seizures; research has shown that the more absorbable form of vitamin B6, P5P, is more effective.

Vitamin B9 (Folate)

Folate (not to be confused with the synthetic version of vitamin B9, folic acid) plays a very large role in metabolic processes of:

  • Mitochondrial function
  • Methylation of the gene variant MTHFR
  • Homocysteine metabolism

Any disruption in these processes can increase the development of seizures in a child, and children with a folate deficiency are more likely to have seizures. Many children with autism have autoantibodies to folate receptors, which causes deficiency. Supplementation with folinic acid has been shown to reduce seizures in people with a cerebral folate deficiency.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Deficiency of vitamin B12 is common in children, and it has been linked to seizures. Many of these children may have a B12 deficiency due to a genetic mutation called MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase), which affects the body’s ability to detoxify. Supplementation with vitamin B12 has been shown to reduce seizure frequency.

Vitamin D3

Research has shown that increasing vitamin D3 levels can reduce seizures by an average of 40%. Researchers have falso ound that anti-convulsive medication lowers vitamin D levels in individuals with seizures; so, make sure your child is taking vitamin D3.

Vitamin E

Children with epilepsy are much more likely to be deficient in vitamin E, and supplementation with it has been shown to prevent seizures.


Dehydration is always a concern with children because electrolyte levels can plummet rapidly, especially when they are hot and sweaty, because electrolytes are released from the body in the form of sweat. Proper hydration is critical in epileptic children for this reason. If the body does not have adequate amounts of certain kinds of fatty acids (see below), then hydration is more difficult.

Cells maintain hydration better when there are cholesterol and fatty acids in the diet because these nutrients protect the integrity and fluidity of the cell membrane. When the cell membrane is too rigid, cells do not maintain hydration well and must leak important nutrients, including ATP, to maintain a proper balance; this is known as mitochondrial dysfunction. Cell-membrane rigidity is typically caused by the inclusion of trans fats in the diet, which are commonly found in:

  • Hydrogenated oils
  • Fried foods
  • Commercially prepared baked goods
  • Margarine
  • Vegetable shortening
  • Solidified vegetable oil spreads
  • Vegetable oils, which can turn into trans fats due to exposure to heat

Fatty Acid Imbalances

A lack of healthful fatty acids also contributes to cell-membrane rigidity, which contributes to dehydration. In addition, the brain consists of 60% fat, and fat protects the brain; when the brain does not have enough fat, it is more prone to having an electrical storm. A malabsorption of fat can lead to lack of fat in the brain, which is why it’s important to have your pediatrician run a stool test that can check for fat malabsorption. Important fatty acids for brain health are:

Brain Infections

Infections that cross the blood-brain barrier and cause autoimmune encephalitis (also known as PANS/PANDAS), a swelling of the brain, can cause seizures. Examples of infections that have crossed the blood-brain barrier to cause chronic encephalitis, and thus potentially seizures, are:

  • Streptococcus
  • Lyme disease
  • Specific viruses, especially herpetic viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus and herpes simplex viruses
  • Pathogenic bacterial infection, such as Staphylococcus aureus
  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection
  • Influenza infection

Pharmaceutical Medications

Seizures can be a side effect of many prescribed and over-the-counter medications. Examples of seizure-inducing medications are:

  • Routine pediatric medical interventions. Always ask your doctor for the medical insert required by law and read it thoroughly for a list of adverse risk events associated with the intervention; seizures are common side effects of many of these routine pediatric medical interventions.
  • Anti-psychotic medications such as:
  • Antibiotics
  • Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, which is commonly found in cough syrup and Benadryl
  • Systemic steroids

Environmental Toxin Exposure

Exposure to environmental toxins such as chemical-warfare agents, toxic industrial chemicals, and natural toxins can cause seizures. Toxins that cause seizures typically do so by either blocking GABA, increasing glutamate or causing nutritional deficiencies. Examples of toxin exposure that may cause seizures are:


Stimulants, including foods and drinks containing caffeine as well as narcotic stimulants, may induce seizures. Examples of these stimulants include:

  • Caffeine
  • Cocoa
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Energy drinks
  • Caffeinated soft drinks
  • Caffeinated teas
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines
  • Nicotine

Hormonal Changes

Puberty is a common time for the onset or increase of seizures because of the changing levels of hormones in a child’s body. Research has found that progesterone is anti-convulsant, while estrogens are pro-convulsant because they “potentiate glutamate responses“. Testosterone can trigger seizures: “Testosterone increases the electroconvulsive threshold in males at low doses, and in both sexes at higher doses“. Both boys and girls can have elevated testosterone, especially if they have Childhood Precocious Puberty (CPP). The heavy metal mercury raises testosterone levels, while dramatically lowering glutathione.

Head Injuries

Traumatic Brain Injuries, such as concussions, are well known to trigger seizures because of changes in glutamate caused by the injury.


Photosensitivity is another well known trigger to seizures; photosensitivity can be triggered by:


While epilepsy is 1.8 times more common in people with celiac disease, medical researchers have discovered that people with non-celiac gluten sensitivity, even when the sensitivity may not be apparent, are more susceptible to seizures as well. In addition, researchers discovered that a gluten-free diet is effective in the management of epilepsy in 53% of cases.

Electromagnetic Fields

Increasing exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has created environmental “electromagnetic smog” that escapes no one and that can disrupt the body’s sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Researchers have shown that exposure to EMFs can trigger seizures; examples of EMF-emitting devices are:

  • WiFi routers
  • Cellphones
  • Wireless/cordless phones
  • Baby monitors

Other Triggers

  • Reading
  • Skipped medication
  • Hyperventilation
  • Brain tumors
  • Inherited conditions
  • Anemia
  • Prolonged illness
  • Febrile illness
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders, which can cause nutritional deficiencies

Seizures Healing Checklist

As can be seen from the list of triggers and contributing factors above, there are numerous deficiencies, dietary changes, environmental exposure changes and lifestyle changes that can be made to improve your child’s susceptibility to seizures. In addition, there are many kinds of interventions and therapies that can help to reduce seizure activity:

Make Lifestyle Changes

  • Get a good night's sleep
  • Get outside every day
  • Get an hour of exercise or movement per day
  • Sync circadian rhythm by getting up when the sun does and going to bed after it sets
  • Limit screen time as much as possible
  • Use blue-blocking lightbulbs and glasses at night, especially when looking at screens
  • Put bare feet in wet ground when possible
  • Drink half body weight in ounces of water

Eat a Clean Diet

Use Only High-Quality Fats

  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil (unheated)
  • Avocados
  • Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCT) oil
  • Grass-fed ghee
  • Duck fat
  • Grass-fed beef tallow
  • Cod liver oil (unheated)
  • Walnut oil (unheated)

Remove Vegetable Oils and Trans Fats

  • Canola
  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Safflower
  • Sunflower
  • Hydrogenated vegetable oils (Crisco, etc.)
  • Margarine

Include High-Quality Protein with Every Meal

  • Pasture-raised eggs, chicken and other fowl
  • Grass-fed beef, lamb and other red meats
  • Wild-caught fish
  • Legumes
  • Nuts

Eliminate High-Glutamate Foods

These foods and ingredients can exacerbate neurological symptoms because of the excitoxicity they cause in the brain. These are some of the most-common, high-glutamate foods to remove:

  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
  • Soy protein isolate
  • Yeast extract
  • Gelatin
  • Barley malt
  • Bouillon
  • Natural flavors
  • Artificial flavors
  • Soy sauce
  • Corn starch
  • Others

Add Fermented Foods and Probiotics

These will keep the gastrointestinal system and microbiome healthy and strong which in turn will keep the immune system strong.

  • Eat kefir yogurts, if dairy is tolerated
  • Eat fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut and kim chi
  • Eat umeboshi plums, which are very alkalizing
  • Eat miso soup, if soy is tolerated
  • Take a quality probiotic, such as VSL #3, Gut Pro, Dr. Ohirra’s Live Cultured Probiotics, Garden of Life, Klaire Labs. Work with your practitioner for a more targeted probiotic.

Optimize Blood Sugar

Blood sugar that is too high can lead to excess inflammation and hormonal imbalances.

Blood sugar that is too low can lead to attention and behavioral problems.

We recommend keeping blood sugar optimized so that it's neither too low nor too high.

Do an Elimination Diet

Children with chronic health conditions often have hidden food sensitivities and intolerances that exacerbate their symptoms. With an elimination diet, remove potentially inflammatory foods such as:

  • Casein
  • Gluten
  • Soy
  • Corn
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Nuts
  • Peanuts

Clean up Your Environment

  • Identify and remove possible environmental triggers, such as mold, dust, pet dander, and electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
  • Identify and remove possible toxic exposures in the home from purchased products, such as detergents, soaps, lotions, and other cleaning and personal care products
  • Remove animals (both live and stuffed!)
  • Remove carpets
  • Use non-toxic cleaners
  • Use non-toxic building materials

Lower Stress Levels

Viruses, bacteria and other pathogens become more active when the body is in a state of stress.

By teaching your child ways to self-regulate with practices such as prayer, reiki, meditation, yoga, qi gong, tai chi and the Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), they can become good advocates for themselves and become active participants in the recovery process.

Practitioners of techniques such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Retraining) and jin shin jyutsu can lower stress levels for your child, as well.

See a Homeopath, Naturopath or Homotoxicologist

These practitioners can diagnose and treat gastrointestinal disorders naturally so that the child’s immune, sensory, neurological and nervous systems develop without being compromised.

Ask Your Practitioner to Run Some Laboratory Tests

  • Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for possible food sensitivities and allergies
  • Nutritional deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin D
  • NutrEval by Genova Diagnostics Labs for malabsorption, gut dysbiosis, cellular energy, mitochondrial metabolism, neurotransmitter metabolism, vitamin deficiencies, toxin exposure and detoxification need
  • Organic Acid Test (OAT) for yeast overgrowth, other microbial infections and oxalates
  • Inflammation markers such as C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
  • Fasting blood sugar and insulin levels
  • Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA)

Have Your Child Tested for PANS/PANDAS

Pathogenic infections and environmental offenders can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurological symptoms known collectively as PANS/PANDAS. However, not many practitioners know how to test for and treat these conditions. Common tests are:

  • Serum Anti-Streptolysin O (ASO) titer
  • Serum Anti-Streptococcal DNase B (ASDB) titer
  • Cunningham panel
  • Lyme disease and Lyme co-infections
  • Specific viruses, especially herpetic viruses
  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection
  • Heavy metals and other toxins
  • Mold

Use Digestive Aids with your Practitioner's Guidance

  • Betaine hydrochloric acid
  • Digestive enzymes with DPP-IV for gluten and casein intolerances
  • Proteolytic enzymes
  • BiCarb
  • Bromelain
  • Papaya

Use Supplements with Your Practitioner's Guidance

Always work with your practitioner to determine the brand, type and dosage of supplements. Common supplements include the following:

  • Cod liver oil
  • Probiotics
  • Vitamin D3
  • Methylated B complex vitamins
  • GABA, especially PharmaGABA
  • N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
  • Magnesium, zinc, selenium, iodine and other minerals
  • Others

Help Your Child Detoxify

  • Make sure your child is pooping every day. Learn more about how to clear up constipation and diarrhea.
  • Have your child exercise or move every day. Sweating carries toxins out of the body.
  • See a homotoxicologist, naturopath or homeopath for drainage remedies and detoxification aids.
  • Optimize blood sugar to allow the liver to spend more time detoxing rather than processing sugar.
  • Ionic foot baths can help detox unwanted pathogens and are easy to do with children.
  • Infared saunas can detox heavy metals through the skin by sweating. However, this form of detoxification may not be suitable for young children who lack the ability to sweat.
  • Epsom salt baths add sulfur transdermally to help with detox.

Integrate Retained Primitive Reflexes

Most, if not all, children with neurodevelopmental disorders including learning disabilities, have retained primitive reflexes.

Find a therapist that is trained in integrating primitive reflexes, which can cause imbalances in the way your child's brain performs.

See a Chiropractic Neurologist

Chiropractic neurology is patient focused and utilizes the latest assessment techniques to create an individualized protocol to rehabilitate the central nervous system and develop neuroplasticity (changes in the brain) when addressing neurological conditions.

Children with developmental delays, cognitive issues and deficits have improper communication between the right and left sides of the brain.

See a Behavioral/Developmental Optometrist

A developmental optometrist can check for convergence and tracking problems with your child's vision. He or she can correct these issues with vision therapy, lens and prisms. Doing so can improve hand-eye coordination and school performance.

See a Craniosacral Practitioner

Craniosacral therapy can reestablish central nervous system functioning. These practitioners use approaches rich in vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile input and may also do oral motor therapy.

See a Neurofeedback Practitioner

Neurofeedback is approved as a level-one intervention by the American Academy of Pediatrics for ADD and ADHD, which are learning disabilities.

Even if your child doesn't have ADD or ADHD, they may still benefit from neurofeedback.

Find a practitioner that can perform a QEEG (quantitative electroencephalograph) brain map first so you can understand how your child's brain works.

See a Sensory-Integration Occupational Therapist

These occupational therapists address a variety of sensory issues with a child using hands-on equipment. This type of therapy calms down the nervous system to help integrate the senses and retained reflexes.

See a Chiropractor

A chiropractor can perform spinal cord adjustments, which can improve communication in the nervous system.

See an Auditory Therapist

Many children with learning disabilities have auditory processing problems that may be causing problems with focus and concentration.

An auditory therapist can devise a listening program that is specific to your child's needs. These programs can retrain the brain, calm down the nervous system and reduce sound sensitivities.

Work with a Health Coach

Our Documenting Hope health coaches are trained to understand the root causes of your child's chronic health condition.

They provide hands-on helping with the practical matters of healing such as cooking healthy foods, removing toxins from the household and helping you work more efficiently with your practitioner.

See an Acupuncturist

Acupuncture can help lower stress and anxiety associated with sensory processing. It can also help with blood-sugar and hormonal regulation.

See a NAET or BioSET Practitioner

Children with chronic health conditions typically also have food allergies and/or food sensitivities and intolerances.

NAET (Namudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique) and BioSET are two non-invasive methods of allergy elimination.

Use Sensory Therapies and Tools

Manage Seizures

A warning system such as a seizure-response dog can help tremendously in notifying parents of an impending seizure in their child. This form of service dog is trained to summon help when a seizure occurs or can sense a seizure before it occurs. This is an ideal solution for parents with non-verbal children.

Use Hot and Cold Compresses

Hot and cold compresses, alternately placed at the back of the head, are very effective in reducing seizures. Apply a warm towel first and then a cold one. Doing this for two to four minutes a few times a day can increase blood circulation to the brain.

Use Essential Oils

Inhalation through the olfactory system (nose) of essential oils can be a quick way to ward off or stop a seizure because inhalation is the quickest way to reach the brain. Essential oil molecules hit the olfactory mucous membrane with its thousands of receptors, passing through the olfactory nerve, and into the limbic system in the brain. The limbic system is triggered by nerve impulses which can be either stimulated or relaxed.

If you know your child has a seizure coming on, try using an equal combination of Melissa, chamomile, frankincense and sandalwood in rose water sprayed numerous times close to your child’s nose, encouraging your child to breath in as much as they can. This may stop the seizure from continuing or even coming on.

Manage Blood Sugar

To break the cycle of high-then-low blood sugar and to keep your child’s blood sugar steady, feed your child a combination of:

  • Protein, which stabilizes blood sugar
  • Complex carbohydrates, which break down into glucose much more slowly than simple carbohydrates, slowing down the hypoglycemic effect
  • Fat, which controls the release of glucose into the blood stream

Be especially sure to give your child this combination in the morning for breakfast in order to head off a vicious hypoglycemic cycle for the rest of the day.

Manage Sleep

Ensuring that your child gets a good night’s sleep is an essential part of seizure management, as it helps to lower stress on the body. Things that can help achieve good-quality sleep are:

  • CBD oil
  • Homeopathic sleep remedies
  • Calming herbs
  • Lavender essential oil on the body and in a diffuser

Please consult your child’s physician for advice in using any remedies mentioned.

Supplement with CBD Oil

Both medical marijuana (cannabis) and one of its non-psychoactive constituents, CBD (cannibidiol), have been shown to reduce seizures because they are nerve-protectant and anti-inflammatory. Although medical marijuana is illegal on a federal basis, many states have approved its use for medicinal purposes; at this point, the U.S. federal government has chosen not to prosecute these states for doing so. Because CBD is a non-psychoactive component of medical marijuana, it can be found legally in most states.

CBD oil got its claim to fame with a young girl named Charlotte Figi who struggled daily with seizures but dramatically changed her life after consuming the Charlotte’s Web strain of cannabis oil which was named after her by the Stanley Brothers in Colorado.

Today, thousands of children are seizure-free and no longer medication-dependent, thanks to CNN’s story on Charlotte by Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

See a Neurofeedback Practitioner

Neurofeedback is an effective modality to normalize and balance the brain by changing the over and under activity of the five brain waves: gamma, delta, alpha, beta and theta. There are numerous peer-reviewed medical research studies, such as this meta-analysis of EEG biofeedback in treating epilepsy, that show that the use of neurofeedback over time has resulted in a significant reduction in seizure activity. Find a practitioner that can perform a QEEG (quantitative electroencephalograph) brain map first so you can understand how your child’s brain works.

Implement a Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet, a high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet that increases ketones in the body, has been used for decades to lessen seizures. In a typical diet, the brain runs on glucose, while in a ketogenic diet, the brain runs on ketones; ketones are found to prevent irritation of the central nervous system, the spinal cord and the brain.

The Modified Atkin’s Diet is a less-restrictive version of the ketogenic diet that has also been shown to lower seizure susceptibility. The Modified Atkin’s Diet discourages too much protein, encouraging fat in its place. Both diets do an excellent job of stabilizing blood sugar, but patients should be tested first for a fatty acid disorder or a carnitine deficiency beforehand.

The autonomic nervous system plays an important part in fat absorption because digestive juices, stomach acid and bile are all secreted normally when the body is parasympathetic dominant. Children with seizure disorders, especially those with neurodevelopmental disorders, chronic anxiety and/or PANS/PANDAS, may be chronically sympathetic dominant (“fight or flight”) mode, which impedes proper gastrointestinal functions. Calming your child’s nervous system not only helps the gastrointestinal system but also the brain.

Bowel cleansing can restore healthy bowel function which is integral to the whole-body approach and can increase fat absorption. More than one bowel movement a day is normal and encouraged; make sure your child is not constipated  and encourage more fruits, vegetables and fiber.

Role of Hydrochloric Acid

The stomach produces hydrochloric acid to aid in the digestion of food and fats. The body needs adequate zinc to produce enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Supplementing with zinc and betaine hydrochloric acid with pepsin can help to increase fat absorption.

Effects on the Liver

Patients should be monitored by a doctor for safety, as the high level of fats in the long term can be hard on the liver, leading to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and systemic glucose intolerance. Excess fat in the diet can contribute to liver congestion, which prevents the liver from synthesizing good bile, which is necessary for the fat emulsion and digestion. We recommend that you work with a healthcare practitioner to see if any of the following supplements and foods may be needed to help your child’s liver working well:

  • NAC (N-acetylcysteine)
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Milk thistle
  • Dandelion
  • SAMe
  • Chlorella
  • Glutathione
  • Carrot juice
  • Beet juice
  • Cucumber juice

Effects on the Pancreas

These high-fat diets can strain the pancreas because of the increased need for lipase, a pancreatic enzyme that digests fats and increases the body’s ability to absorb fats. Supplementation with a digestive enzyme containing lipase to help break down fats may be necessary; check with your practitioner to determine which brand is best for your child.

Effects on the Gallbladder

A high-fat diet can also strain the gallbladder, which is where the body stores bile. If your child has any of the following symptoms, the child’s gallbladder may need some help digesting fats:

  • Nausea
  • Pale stools
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating after meals

A practitioner that specializes in integrative digestion can help you determine if your child needs to supplements that can support gallbladder function, such as:

  • Ox bile: A source of bile salts that is like human bile and helps break down fats in the digestive tract. Improving the quality of bile helps with the absorption of fats.
  • Choline
  • Taurine: Used in the body to help convert bile salts to a more water-soluble form of bile which is less toxic.
  • Beet root/betaine: Thins the bile and helps prevent the formation of gallstones.
  • Chanca piedra/royal breakstone: Helps break up gallstones.
  • Collinsonia root/richweed: Helps to eliminate gallstones and prevent constipation.

Effects on Adrenal Glands

Excess fat and a lack of carbohydrates in the diet can cause excess mineral loss and/or lower mineral consumption, putting stress on the adrenal glands. Stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are produced by the adrenal glands, and an imbalance of minerals can lead to adrenal fatigue. Be sure to work with a practitioner that can guide your child through this pitfall.

Consider Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

TMS is a non-invasive treatment that changes brain activity in the cortex. Studies such as this one have shown a significant reduction in seizures from the use of TMS. Further studies need to be done, but TMS does show to be a promising treatment for autism and seizures.

Consider the Use of Epi-Still

Epi-Still is a liquid proprietary blend of herbs by Native Remedies that can calm down the brain and relax an overactive nervous system. Parents have reported that Epi-Still has reduced seizure activity in their child. Epi-Still promotes healthy neurons, neural connections and electrical activity in the brain.

Consider the Use of HILTON

HILTON is an anti-seizure herbal medication formulated by Greener Herbal World, with an herbal mode of treatment protocol by Dr. Ajay Mohan Bose, to be followed over a seven-month period. Many individuals have reported to be seizure free with the use of HILTON.

Help Your Child Detoxify

Some forms of detoxing heavy metals, parasites, yeast, fungus, mold and any kind of pathogen may be problematic if your child is having seizures. Detoxing may trigger seizures by increasing neurological activity and over-exciting the brain. Instead, choose gentle cleansing such as vegetable juices and non-invasive therapies such as the ionic footbath, mud packs, infrared saunas and Epsom salt baths, which are all less stimulating to the brain.

Infared saunas can detox heavy metals through the skin by sweating. However, this form of detoxification may not be suitable for young children who lack the ability to sweat. Make sure your child is well-hydrated taking minerals, eating lots of fats and has good fat absorption and intaking enough protein to keep the glucose stable to ensure safe detoxing. Mud packs are an effective, gentle and safe way to detox and remove the toxic load by applying mud packs to the abdomen up to twice a day.

Consider Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

HBOT is 100% oxygen under pressure that can increase blood flow to the brain and the amount of oxygen flow to the brain. Increased oxygen to the brain may aid in reducing seizures. Seizure patients may have to lower the atmospheric pressure (ATA) to 1.3 instead of 1.5.

Teach Your Child Stress-Reduction Techniques

Because stress can be a seizure trigger, it’s important for your child to learn how to keep him- or herself as calm and centered as possible. Yoga, tai chi and qi gong are great ways for your child to learn relaxation and stress reduction techniques. Specifically, the positive effects of yoga have been reported on EEGs and seen with the autonomic nervous system. Other techniques that a child can do to reduce stress are:

Consider the Use of Castor Oil Packs

Edgar Cayce, an American clairvoyant also known as The Sleeping Prophet, recommended focusing on what he called the most frequent cause of seizures: adhesions in the lacteal ducts of the abdomen. His protocol is the application of castor oil packs to break up the adhesions in the lacteal duct area which are located along the right side of the abdomen. He recommended saturating a piece of flannel cloth with one cup of hot castor oil and placing it on the area of the abdomen because the combination of the heat and oil may break up these adhesions associated with seizures. He also recommended that each session last from between ½ hour to an hour and that these sessions be done three times per week.

See a Chiropractor

Chiropractic care on a regular consistent basis may help the body heal itself. Some chiropractors use specific manipulation of the spine to help control seizures

See a Homeopath or Naturopath

These practitioners can diagnose and treat gastrointestinal disorders naturally so that the child’s immune, sensory, neurological and nervous systems develop without being compromised.

See a Well-Trained Acupuncturist

Acupuncture done on the ears (auricular acupuncture) has been medically documented to reduce seizures significantly by activating the parasympathetic dominance of the nervous system through vagus nerve stimulation. Acupuncture in general can be extremely calming.

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