Teen Depression and Anxiety with Laurie Goldman MD

Teen Depression and Anxiety with Laurie Goldman MD

We interviewed Laurie Goldman MD IFMCP about teen depression and anxiety. Dr. Goldman was a featured panelist after our screening in 2020 of Medicating Normal, a 76-minute documentary film exploring the current mental health care system’s reliance on psychiatric drugs to deal with trauma, grief, and distress. You can watch the interview below. Please note that you will be asked to enter your email address after 30 minutes to continuing viewing the interview.

As an integrative psychiatrist, Dr. Goldman teaches her patients about nutrition and lifestyle interventions for mental health for children and adults.

In This Webinar

In this webinar, we talked about:

About Laurie Goldman MD IFMCP

Dr. Laurie Goldman is a medical doctor, psychiatrist, and functional medicine practitioner who’s been in private practice since 1999. She founded Clear Path Wellness to help her patients reach their maximum state of mental and physical health using a personalized, comprehensive approach powered by the principles of functional medicine, which treats the whole person, not just symptoms.

Using the science of medicine and the art of holistic healing, Dr. Goldman compassionately guides her patients on a positive and change-oriented journey that promotes growth, holistic health and disease prevention. You can find out more about her practice at lauriegoldmanmd.com


This webinar is not a substitute for medical advice, treatment, diagnosis, or consultation with a medical professional. It is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on to make determinations related to treatment of a medical condition. Documenting Hope has not verified and does not guaranty the accuracy of the information provided in this webinar.

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