Ty’s family have completed a large number of baseline developmental and environmental assessments. As part of the FLIGHT™ Study, each family is asked to complete a variety of assessments to establish a baseline for their child’s status cognitively, developmentally, physiologically and biomedically.
The first set of assessments are completed by the parents and are online or at home assessments that help establish social, cognitive and developmental status. These baseline assessments will help the FLIGHT™ Team understand what areas might need extra support or attention. For research purposes, these tests give a sense of each participant’s starting point, so that any change over time can be documented.
Here are just a few examples of the types of assessments the family completes include:
The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale. Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales is the leading instrument for supporting the diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disabilities. Vineland-3 not only aids in diagnosis, but provides valuable information for developing educational and treatment plans.
The BASC3 or Behavior Assessment System for Children. The BASC is a comprehensive set of rating scales and forms that helps families and practitioners understand the behaviors and emotions of children and adolescents.
Child Sensory Profile. The Child Sensory Profile provides standardized tools to help evaluate a child’s sensory processing patterns in the context of home, school, and community-based activities.
The Documenting Hope CHIRP™ Survey. CHIRP™ is a comprehensive online survey completed by a parent, caregiver or guardian of children ages 1-15. The survey is administered online in a secure, HIPAA-compliant environment and provides a detailed report that highlights items in each child’s own life that maybe considered “health stressors.” The report educates parents about reducing the number of health stressors in an effort to lower a child’s “total load.” The CHIRP™ Survey is also available to any parent in the U.S. with a child between the ages of 1 and 15 years. To register for the CHIRP™ Study and take the CHIRP™ Survey, click here.
FLIGHT™ families are also invited to complete some online Environmental Assessments such as the Hayward Score. The Hayward Score is an online assessment that helps identify possible harmful exposures in and around your home.
To learn more about how the condition of your home can impact your health, see this short video from the Hayward Score:
You can find previous posts about Ty and his family here.
Keep following along with Ty and his family to learn about:
- Tests that can help identify root causes of health and developmental symptoms
- Ways to identify and mitigate harmful exposures in the home
- Different types of practitioners that help identify treatable underlying imbalances in the body
- Strategies for supporting health and healing
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